ZangYF Group's CVs

Wrong ROI definition when extracting CSF/WM signal etc

Hello, I am receiving a bug when extracting the ROI signals (i.e white matter, CSF) for the nuisance covariates regression. The error appears after slice timing, realignment have been done. The error I received is below, I believe it is due to DPARSFA not being able to find the masks in the working directory. The error only appears with DPARSFA. My data was converted from DICOM --> NIFTI outside of DPARSF, then converted into spm format using freesurfers mri_convert to 208 indiviudal img files.


      我用DPARSFA caculate in MNI space (warp by DARTEL);准备好相应的T1RAW和FunRaw; 包如下错误:

Index exceeds matrix dimensions.

Error in DPARSFA_run>(parfor body) (line 223)
        if strcmpi(DirDCM(3).name,'.DS_Store')  %110908 YAN Chao-Gan,

Please, helping with a problem calling the datasets from rest toolkit

Dear Resting experrts,

I am getting an error message with Matlab. I think that the problem is that I did not set the path correctly to the folder where I want the results.

First of all, I have downloaded and installed the toolkit in MATLAB in a Ubuntu (Neurodebian) environment.



1, 在一般的高分和低分极端组设计中,似乎通常的做法是这样的:对两个组进行独立样本t检验,对有差异的脑区即ROI提取平均值,比如ReHo的平均值,然后分别在高分组和低分组内做ROI提取的平均值与某个量表的Pearson相关。但是这样做的效果我得到的不是很理想。有时候得不到显著的结果。有时候得到的结果甚至和独立样本t检验的结果互相矛盾。比如,在高分组中发现某个脑区的ReHo值高于低分组,然后组内的Pearson分析竟然发现它的ReHo值与量表得分呈负相关。我觉得可能的原因在于由于在一个组内做分析,样本量太少导致的。

Structural / Functional Connectivity - Literature Review


I am searching for papers discussing the issue on structural connectivity might reflecting functional connectivity (e.g. Greicius, Supekar, & Dougherty, 2009; but not necessarily vice versa; Deco, Jirsa, & McIntosh, 2011).

If somebody made a similar search in the past, I am thankful for any reading suggestions. 



Running 'Run DARTEL (create Templates)'
Failed  'Run DARTEL (create Templates)'
Undefined function 'file2mat' for input arguments of type 'struct'.

DparsfA 报错


The following modules did not run:
Failed: Slice Timing
??? Error using ==> cfg_util at 835
Job execution failed. The full log of this run can be found in MATLAB command
window, starting with the lines (look for the line showing the exact #job as