9月5号14点-15:30 浙江大学物理楼(具体地点待定,请关注www.
臧玉峰 医学博士 浙江大学理学院兼职教授,
赵小虎 医学博士 同济大学附属同济医院放射科 副主任医师
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9月5号14点-15:30 浙江大学物理楼(具体地点待定,请关注www.
臧玉峰 医学博士 浙江大学理学院兼职教授,
赵小虎 医学博士 同济大学附属同济医院放射科 副主任医师
Since the module of reading and writing NIfTI images in REST is based on some spm compiled files, you may encounter the problem of “Error using ==> rest_WriteNiftiImage at 92” if you use the most recent OS.
Please do the following steps to fix this problem:
1. Please install SPM5 (or above release) and compile the mex files correctly according to http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/SPM/Installation_on_64bit_Linux.
2. Please install the latest release of REST.
3. Run the function: REST_Fix_Read_Write_Error. Please click here to download it!
Hi there,
I am trying to setup a resting-state fMRI protocol to run in scanners of 3T and 7T with dementia patients, but I have not experience with BOLD sequences. I was wondering if anybody could help me to choose the best acquisition parameters for this purpose.
Thank you very much in advance.
Best regards,
when i use the Functional connectivity to analysis a patient's data,i meet a problem ,I think i finish the programme as suggested in the video,but after i typing the DONE ALL,there is an error jumping out:
Expection occured:
Error using==>rest_Writeniftilmage at 92 Meet error while writing the data,
i do not know what that mean,hope can be told as soon as possible.thanks.
REST seems to have trouble reading in some of my image files, giving me the error below. I'm not sure why this is the case, as it works fine with other data sets. I can view the images and read them into other analysis programs fine. Any help on how I can troubleshoot this problem is much appreciated.
Dear RESTers,
I am using Functional Connectivity of REST 1.3. In the Set ROI-->Voxel wise-->Seed ROI--->Define a seed ROI by setting the center cordinate and the radius, I need to input a set of coordinate. Is that Talairach or MNI?