Fri, 05/24/2013 - 10:44kangzqWarning: Escape sequence 'Z' is not valid. See 'help sprintf' for valid escape sequences. > In rest_detrend at 24 In alff_gui>(parfor body) at 1279 In parallel_function at 470 In alff_gui>Detrend at 1269 In alff_gui>...3381 reads
Thu, 05/23/2013 - 22:01cpehrsDear DPARSF team, I have analysed my resting state data with two different approaches: 1. using the DPARSF toolbox 2. using in house scripts for Matlab/SPM. Interestingly the results are fairly the same expect that the t-values on group level are much...5578 reads
Thu, 05/23/2013 - 04:55kvoigtHello, just a general Functional Connectivity / ROI question: is there something like a "minimum size" required for a ROI to perform valid statistics? Would like to know your opinion on that. Best, K5212 reads
Wed, 05/22/2013 - 09:59insularDear Dr. Yan, I have read your recent paper in Neuroimage about head motion, very informative. I have serveral questions: 1)The whiskers bar figures present your results very clear. It looks better than the traditional whiskers bar. Which...6140 reads
Tue, 05/21/2013 - 08:59rumen严老师,我在用dparsf时有warning和报错如下,请您指导一下是哪块出了问题 Warning: Invalid escape sequence appears in format string. See help sprintf for valid escape sequences. > In rest_detrend at 24 In DPARSFA_run>(parfor body) at 2265 In parallel_function at 469...5741 reads
Mon, 05/20/2013 - 19:02kimHi, admistrator first, above all, thank you for providing your program Our researchers have studied ADHD adolescent and their brain activity used in fMRI. Our study is block design and I have analysed this by...6485 reads
Mon, 05/20/2013 - 10:34Louise各位老师好!最近在处理一批病人的数据,头动较大(放宽至3mm和3°)的被试比较多,但是被试的总体数量又比较少。想请问一下各位老师有没有对头动的被试的处理的方法。 暂时有两个想法:1.去掉头动较大的时间点。2.不去头动的被试,最后将头动作为协变量去掉。暂时只是这样想,还没有找到文献的依据,不知道具体可不可行,还请老师指点,多谢!8019 reads
Sat, 05/18/2013 - 01:25nertmanHi, I have been using DPARSFA for preprocessing and it has been working very well so far. I tried to remove the Global Signal nuisance regressor, but after doing so my data has no voxels left -- i.e., when I enter it into a first-level model in SPM, and...9255 reads
Wed, 05/15/2013 - 23:03rakeshDear REST experts, i have performed the preprocessing of my rest fMRI data followed by the ReHo processing. after running the analysis, i have the rest ReHo*.* image, but this image is empty, can anyone suggest me where could i have made mistake (preprocessed...5328 reads