• Fri, 03/22/2013 - 14:21liwenfu
    Computing functional connectivity with:"F:\ProREST_FWHM6\FunImgNormalizedSmoothedDetrendedFilteredCovremoved\SubHigh_004" Computing functional connectivity with:"F:\ProREST_FWHM6\FunImgNormalizedSmoothedDetrendedFilteredCovremoved\SubHigh_008...
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  • Fri, 03/22/2013 - 13:54Yangmei Luo
    各位老师好!        我想要比较高分组和低分组在静息态下的ReHo,结果虽然出来了,但是很头疼。独立样本t检验结果发现,高分组的某个脑区ReHo平均值要高于低分组,但是,用rest提取出该脑区的平均ReHo值,然后在高分组内求该脑区的ReHo值与行为量表的相关时,发现这个脑区的ReHo值与行为量表得分显著负相关。这样的结果似乎是矛盾的。经过多次检查,没有地方出错。请教一下各位老师,这样的结果合理,有意义吗?有没有其他方法来改进目前的结果?    ...
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  • Fri, 03/22/2013 - 02:41Chen0075
     严老师,你好! 请问一下:我用DPARSFa跑VMHC的时候,可以得到文件夹FunImgARWSDFCovs, Masks, SymmetricGroupT1MeanTemplate; 但在做normalized to symmetic template时老是出错,请问为什么?应该怎么办,谢谢! 错误如下: Moving Coviables Removed Files:C001 OK Normalize to symmetric group T1 mean Template:C001 OK...
    6134 reads
  • Thu, 03/21/2013 - 21:43richard.bethlehem
    Hi All, I'm currently working on a resting state analysis of a group of individuals that share a specific lesion. Now in order to minimize 'leakage' of lesioned tissue into the seeds for fc-analysis during the smoothing step I'm thinking about masking out the...
    5435 reads
  • Tue, 03/19/2013 - 20:07kvoigt
    Hello, when using the DPARSFA toolbox (2.1; (Matlab 2012b / Mac OSx 10.8.2)) to run a FC Analysis, the following error occurs:   ??? Java exception occurred: java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.logging.Logger.demandLogger(Logger.java:...
    6819 reads
  • Tue, 03/19/2013 - 17:31rumen
    老师,您好,有几个关于Degree Centrality的问题想请教您, 在文献Functional connectivity density mapping, Dardo Tomasia,and Nora D. Volkow中作者用到local functional connectivity density和global functional connectivity density 1.       REST中的Degree...
    13575 reads
  • Mon, 03/18/2013 - 09:52iidaka
    Thank you for providing a wonderful software. I would like to know how the 6 values in HeadMotion.mat/RealignParameters were computed for each subject. Regards, tetsuya
    7279 reads
  • Mon, 03/18/2013 - 09:37Yangmei Luo
     各位老师好!    我想请教一下在计算ReHo的时候应该用哪一种文件类型来进行统计分析?    根据DPARSFA跑出来的结果(我在DPASFA选了Smooth Derivatives),出来Results和ResultsS这两个文件夹。    在Results里面,有三种文件类型  ReHoMap_sub_001.nii mReHoMap_sub_001.nii zReHoMap_Sub_001.nii  ...
    10095 reads
  • Sun, 03/17/2013 - 19:44hongshengcheng
     请教臧老师和严老师, 现在我选有12个roi做功能连接,用FC提出来roi之间的相关,然后把这些相关系数(zFC*.txt)提取出来和被试行为做相关,第一,这种方法是否可行,是否要回归性别,年龄?第二,在解释结果时,比如我现在有6个连接是相关显著的(p<0.05,行为和连接两两相关),但是这个是相关系数显著只适合解释对应的一条边(不考虑其他连接是否成立),如果要涉及一个网络结构也就是多条连接同时成立的情况(涉及多重比较),是否要进行校正,如果是,一般采用什么校正方法(有没有对应的m脚本),谢谢
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  • Sat, 03/16/2013 - 21:10hongshengcheng
    10640 reads