• Thu, 01/31/2013 - 17:41hawkmu
      matalb 2010, rest 1.8, dparsf2.2. 出现下面的错误,请问是怎么回事? 在去全脑信号的时候的 ??? Error using ==> y_ExtractROISignal at 188 Wrong ROI definition, please check: H:\wjc_converted\Masks\c06_CsfMask_07_91x109x91.nii   Error in ==> DPARSFA_run>makeF%24/F...
    4011 reads
  • Wed, 01/30/2013 - 23:50zhengyan
    4248 reads
  • Wed, 01/30/2013 - 03:37kvoigt
    Hello, I just started to do my first resting-state analysis using the REST/DPARSF toolbox. I want to do a seed based functional connectivity analysis. But unfortunatley the an error occurs after I've extracted the ROI time course (for details see below)....
    8419 reads
  • Tue, 01/29/2013 - 23:10vadim
     Dear all, I am looking for the papers which used rest fMRI in a block design, like 20 seconds rest and 20 seconds some other task. I mean not the PPI or cluster analysis, but rather standard GLM. Any suugestions? Thanks, Vadim
    5681 reads
  • Tue, 01/29/2013 - 23:09kvoigt
     Hello, I just started to do my first resting-state analysis using the REST toolbox. Unfortunatley, I have already an error at an early preprocessing step, namely slice timing. It does the slice time correction for the first subject, but it immediately...
    10163 reads
  • Sun, 01/27/2013 - 19:39yamazaki
    严老师:          您好!dparsf2.2功能强大,与时俱进。但由于比较新手,我只能运行dparsf basic version了,比较谨慎严格。   数据的准备:FunRaw(静息功能像),T1Raw(横断面的T1像);按照以下设置,定了-1 40 20的roi做FC;         RUN到中途,跳出“未能找到co*的T1像,是否用已存在的T1像,使用后会加上前缀“co...
    7118 reads
  • Sat, 01/26/2013 - 22:47Eselivers
      Hello, REST-experts! I come up against a problem. I don't understand exactly what types of ReHo-files should I download in SPM5 to calculate specify 2d level (one sanple-t-tast)? Should I use ReHo-maps? Or another ones?  I'm  forwarding to...
    5481 reads
  • Sat, 01/26/2013 - 11:53风清云淡
    6989 reads
  • Sat, 01/26/2013 - 10:24cheungmen
    prof. yan,     I have a question when computing connectivity.     I choose Functional Connectivity in the GUI of DPARSF, and click Define ROI, then click Run. but in the Results file, no correlation matrix can be found.    ...
    5931 reads
  • Fri, 01/25/2013 - 23:05will
     臧老师,严老师:         您们好!我想请教您们几个问题:        1、我使用DPARSFA里的new segement and DARTEL的方法做了一下VBM分析,除了性别、年龄,我还想把全脑体积的影响作为协变量去除掉,但是应该使用原始空间的c1还是使用wc1或者mwc1作为协变量呢?        2、在文章里想介绍患者组和对照组灰质、白质、脑脊液、...
    21339 reads