Wed, 01/02/2013 - 22:24yubingREST slice Viewer 可以同时加载两个不同的 overlay ,并且分别调节它们的配色和阈值吗?多谢指教!4059 reads
Mon, 12/31/2012 - 22:34liufeng最近又研究了一下alphasim校正,但是不清楚自己想的对不对,所以来这里和大家探讨下。 其实个人感觉alphasim并不是那么弱,只是很多研究者可能在错误的使用它。最近通过看一些文章发现:alphasim中的平滑核大小并不是我们进行预处理时smooth平滑核的大小。这个大小是需要第三方重新进行估计的。如: 3dFWHM。所以rest中给出的平滑核大小和需要的cluster size就失去了本身的意义。 比如:预处理平滑的时候用的8 8 8,最后会出来如下这个,那么我们alphasim校正时的应该是14.3...7335 reads
Sat, 12/29/2012 - 07:20YAN Chao-GanPlease see the figure below (aal.nii opened by MRIcroN). The MNI coordinates of the current position is -66 -92 -40, and its value is 0. (-66x-92x-40= 0 on the titile). The voxel index is 25 34 32. (X 25 Y 34 Z 32). 1. Read the file header: [Data...20316 reads
Fri, 12/28/2012 - 15:38yubing使用新的rest 和DPARSF 数据·处理全部采用 nifti 4D 在 Read 3D EPI functional images 步骤就齐刷刷的报告 out of memory 我的机器,DELL的入门级工作站,4G内存,应该不是玩fMRI的人里面最差的吧? 不知各位老大有没有低配置硬件的解决方案?时间是小事,别报错就成呀!! 多谢多谢!5952 reads
Fri, 12/28/2012 - 09:14yubingWin 2003 server Matlab 2011b SPM 8 REST 1.8 出错信息如下,求助 Error using cfg_util (line 835) Job execution failed. The full log of this run can be found in MATLAB command window, starting with the lines (look for the line showing the exact #job as displayed in this...7749 reads
Fri, 12/28/2012 - 04:45liufeng各位老师: 做完degree centrality会自动出来一个归一化的图(减去均值除以标准差),请问不归一化的话会有什么不好的吗? 如果在subject内部做归一化,个人感觉会破坏掉原来值的太小,从而导致组比较的时候结果不同(归一化与不归一化)。 有点困惑,望解答下9772 reads
Thu, 12/27/2012 - 10:01yanhao具体欢迎点阅相关链接 http://www.pkuh6.cn/News/Articles/Index/1696549 reads
Wed, 12/26/2012 - 15:36YAN Chao-GanDear all, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! It’s said that December 21, 2012 is the end of the world, thus it marks the beginning of a new era. Here, we celebrate the Christmas and New Year in the new era, and are pleased to release the...4268 reads
Wed, 12/26/2012 - 05:42wujingxi在Matlab2012a中运行Dparsf出现如下问题: Warning: Run spm_jobman('initcfg'); beforehand > In spm_jobman at 107 In DPARSF_run at 364 In DPARSF>pushbuttonRun_Callback at 976 In gui_mainfcn at 96 In DPARSF at 43 Undefined...8946 reads
Wed, 12/26/2012 - 03:20wujingxi大家好: 用DPARSF做预处理,slicetime总是过不去。 显示Error running job: Error using fileparts 用SPM自带的reslice,也报错, 显示:Error running job: Error using fileparts Too many output arguments. In file "D:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\spm5\spm_slice_timing.m" (v671),...6955 reads