• Mon, 10/15/2012 - 20:57Red Stone
    各位老师好: 我有一个spm8数据预处理的问题,想请教各位老师,还望不吝赐教。 我现在使用SPM8对fMRI数据进行数据预处理,是跟师兄学的处理方法,流程如下:从医院采集到radiological convention的数据;然后用MRIcro人为地对数据进行左右脑的flip,得到neurological convention的数据;然后把neurological convention数据导入spm8中,进行预处理。 可是最近,从网上的一些spm8的论坛里看到,说是spm8在处理数据的时候,...
    12813 reads
  • Sun, 10/14/2012 - 09:56lwz110911
    大家好: 在用dparsf处理reho时遇到了一个问题(reho是先计算再做平滑),那么smooth是选还是不选(打勾么?),下面还有一个Data without smooth(这个我觉得应该打勾) 谢谢大家!
    4580 reads
  • Sun, 10/14/2012 - 01:28Giuseppe
    Hi, is there anyone who knows the ICA code MULTICOMBI of Prof. Petr Tichavsky? I am using it, but I am not sure I am able to evaluate correctly the accuracy of estimations.
    8283 reads
  • Sat, 10/13/2012 - 04:29djo155
    Hello, Having an error listed below when trying to do seed based resting FC. I ran the same options and used the same ROIs with another data set and had no errors so don't think it is my choice of ROIs. I am running DPARSF_V2.1_120101, SPM8, Matlab R2011b...
    6541 reads
  • Fri, 10/12/2012 - 23:16ZHANG_RESTadmin
    最近成立的浙江省认知障碍评估技术研究重点实验室和杭州师范大学认知与脑疾病研究中心(CCBD)致力于将磁共振应用于认知与脑疾病的基础和应用研究。CCBD既是高水平的科学研究中心,也是优秀人才的培养基地。CCBD不但拥有最先进的GE 3.0T Discovery MR750研究平台可供学员上机实习,而且拥有一个掌握各种脑成像实验设计、数据采集和分析技术的研究团队。以此为基础,CCBD将陆续系统地举办面向全国的相关培训课程。 本次培训班由CCBD和GE公司联合举办,由两部分内容组成:第一部分(...
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  • Tue, 10/09/2012 - 19:51dastard
    Hi I am working with resting state date for the first time using this toolbox. While running toolbox i am getting error at this line in 'movefile' command. I have run the movefile command inependently, it works fine. Maybe there is some issue with folder...
    11085 reads
  • Mon, 10/08/2012 - 23:14YAN Chao-Gan
    Dear users, I sincerely apologize that I can not access this forum and answer your questions for bit of time. I have been pushing for a deadline of a paper currently, and I will resume to commonly access this forum and answer questions by Oct. 20th. I am...
    2842 reads
  • Thu, 10/04/2012 - 21:27yiyuan
    诚聘赴美工作博士后研究员,助理研究员和博士生 唐一源教授实验室(http://www.yi-yuan.net/english/tyy.asp)诚聘赴美工作博士后研究员,助理研究员和博士生数名。除博士生外, 应聘者需要有博士学位,能独立进行脑成像结构和/或功能数据分析处理, 有较强的MATLAB编程能力, 有图像处理或信号处理的相关基础. 编程能力较强者, 不受学位限制, 单独考虑。工作地点是德州理工大学脑成像研究院(www.ttni.ttu.edu) 和心理系(www.depts.ttu.edu/psy),...
    4902 reads
  • Thu, 10/04/2012 - 15:11wleewell
    请教严老师两个问题: 1、怎么制作单侧的global mask? 2、REST与DPARSFA中的VMHC模块可以做灰质体积的VMHM吗?怎么做呢? 谢谢!
    15547 reads
  • Thu, 10/04/2012 - 04:13justinlines
    I ran preprocessing without filter with no mask, but on the fALFF step I used the BrainMask_05_61x73x61.img after resampling it to one of my Detrended subject images. Read 3D EPI functional images: "/home/kaitlin/data/univariate_masking/...
    4140 reads