• Wed, 07/04/2012 - 18:36wleewell
    谢谢上一封关于DPARSFA新增功能的回复,继续还有一些问题想请教下: 1、我试做一例,normalized by DARTEL 做到New segment+DARTEL这步,程序跑Running new segment一段时间后报错,出现Failed 。。。以下的命令,是不是也是内存溢出的问题,我这种内存溢出应该怎么解决? 报错程序: Running 'New Segment' Failed 'New Segment' Error using ==> permute Out of memory. Type...
    8498 reads
  • Tue, 07/03/2012 - 16:08Candy870817
    5426 reads
  • Mon, 07/02/2012 - 20:39wleewell
    看了DPARSFA 2.1的新增功能后有以下疑问,望严老师指点。 主要是关于这一段话: Normalize by DARTEL has been added. Details: (1) "T1 Coreg to Fun": the individual structural T1 image is coregistered to the mean functional image after motion correction. (2) "New Segment + DARTEL": New Segment...
    6243 reads
  • Thu, 06/28/2012 - 23:24farras
    Hi, I am running DPARSF preprocessing for about 160 subjects. After 36 hours or so of running I am getting the following message: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space Has anyone encountered such an...
    5530 reads
  • Tue, 06/26/2012 - 23:30farras
    One more question, does the part "Reorienting T1 Image Interactively for XXX" require any input from the user? The Matlab display has been displaying the above message for more than an hour now. Please advise. Thanks.
    6478 reads
  • Mon, 06/25/2012 - 15:54pfuentes
    Dear experts, I am using AlphaSim to determine the minimum cluster size to regard my results as corrected at the cluster level. I would like to know the corrected cluster extent threshold when using quite a low voxel-level threshold, say 0.02 or 0.03 (...
    6041 reads
  • Fri, 06/22/2012 - 10:06cancas
    DICOM整理时一直都不行 报错如下 Warning: Directory "F:\matlab7.0\work" already exists. > In mkdir at 116   In rest_DicomSorter_gui>btnRun_Callback at 175   In gui_mainfcn at 75   In rest_DicomSorter_gui at 26 ??? Error using ==> images\...
    3654 reads
  • Mon, 06/18/2012 - 22:08cancas
    还是一个低级的问题,想各位老师求教。 我在DICOM文件整理时 选择DICOM Flie extension  后 要么显示 There is no data or non-data flies in this directory 要么就是运行之后 一直都在14% 一直不动,预计时间这些都是0 这是什么原因呢,是我的原始数据不对吗,需要怎么解决啊。这个问题很低级,各位老师勿笑! 还有一个问题 我的Matlab是7.0的 有必要升级更高的版本吗
    5640 reads
  • Sat, 06/16/2012 - 17:10taobao2010
    各位老师好:       我在dparsf中使用了EPI.nii标准化(Normalize by using EPI template),在MNI空间选择ROI区域后需要返回到individual space提取数据,请问应该如何操作?谢谢指点
    11321 reads
  • Thu, 06/14/2012 - 21:32cancas
    老师好,我是一名新手,很多东西都在摸索中,向各位老师学习。 我在用rest dicom sorter 整理时出现报错,这要怎么解决呢???还有我的rest dicom sorter 不能显示如教学视频中的 add  recursively all sub-folders of a directory这些选项 Warning: Directory "D:\matlab7.0\work" already exists. > In mkdir at 116   In...
    11531 reads