• Sat, 03/31/2012 - 10:35Chen0075
    在你们的文章中写到:“The global mean ALFF value was calculated for each participant within a group GM mask obtained by selecting a threshold of 0.2 on the mean GM map of all 54 subjects. ”(Human Brain Mapping 2012) 想请问:这里的0.2是指什么值,这种设定MASK的做法是在MRIcro--ROI--Apply...
    5697 reads
  • Fri, 03/30/2012 - 17:44ayo
    老師,我在使用caret時,在load SCENE時,點選"Fiducial_Left"(無論任一選項) 皆會跑出,以下之文字,是因為我少安裝了什麼嗎 The following errors occurred while applying the scene: Human.PALS_B12.RIGHT_AVG_B1-12.INFLATED.clean.73730.coord does not exist. Human.PALS_B12.LEFT_AVG_B1-12.INFLATED.clean.73730....
    5186 reads
  • Thu, 03/29/2012 - 12:56287391600
    你好! 老师,对于最后做出的比如组间t检验图,我用xjview打开后,用report记录结果,但是只显示了脑区体素等相关信息,我需要相应的t值坐标等做结果,在哪里可以找到呢,或者进一步操作呢? 十分感谢!
    6969 reads
  • Thu, 03/29/2012 - 00:42liuweiguo1111
    严老师好 最近我做DPARSFA处理数据 问题1:用normalized+Dartel是不是好于normalized by T1image by united segment 问题2:我使用normalized+Dartel处理数据时,(T1Raw和FunRaw下面都放了数据),好像数据运算停在Moving Head Motion Corrected Files:111ZHANGYULING OKMoving Head Motion Corrected Files:13dairushun OKMoving...
    8739 reads
  • Wed, 03/28/2012 - 23:11bgao
    老师你好,我想请教的问题如下: 1. 为什么在脑的研究里,alphasim校正比FDR,FWE更合适? 2. alphasim校正时,选择不同的cluster size和p值结果会有明显的不同,我们如何知道选什么样的cluster size和p值才是合适的呢?选择p
    8377 reads
  • Wed, 03/28/2012 - 17:29Chen0075
    老师,您好! 参照REST的视频讲解,我先分别做了两组被试者的组内分析(within-group analysis),然后做了“并集”计算得出一个MASK,用于2-sample t-test。得到了两组间有差异的脑区。 我的问题是:如果我继续做correlation analysis(与行为量表相关),应该是把分析的范围限定在“并集MASK”内,还是限定在存在差异的脑区?那种做法会比较好? 另外,请问SPM可以直接做correlation analysis吗?
    17486 reads
  • Wed, 03/28/2012 - 15:22七色鱼
    老师您好, 我用去除白质和脑脊液的mask做alphasim校正,算出来的结果两次不一样,0.05以下的cluster一次89一次90,为什么呢?而且全脑的不是85吗,为什么去除白质脑脊液后还变大了。请老师指教。
    7972 reads
  • Tue, 03/27/2012 - 20:07efrat
    Hello all, I am new in DPARSF tool; I have some questions regarding the output maps that I get. I am working on a heterogenic group of patients, i.e. I cannot do group analysis. I was wandering what is the best way to present the results for each single...
    3041 reads
  • Tue, 03/27/2012 - 20:07efrat
    Hello all, I am new in DPARSF tool; I have some questions regarding the output maps that I get. I am working on a heterogenic group of patients, i.e. I cannot do group analysis. I was wandering what is the best way to present the results for each single...
    9235 reads
  • Tue, 03/27/2012 - 18:03ayo
    老師您好 我下載了caret_distribution_Windows64.v5.65 及"Yan_fMRIMapping_Caret564.scene""Yan_fMRIMapping_Caret564spec" 但是您這兩個檔案要放在哪裡呢 因為我load scene 不知是哪裡出錯了 謝謝
    16336 reads