• Thu, 01/13/2011 - 05:45efine
    Hi, I am trying to run alphasim and keep getting the following error message: I've tried various masks. The error below was after I applyed the brain mask dparsfa created. Any help is much appreciated. REST Version: 1.5, Release: 20101101 ??? Undefined...
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  • Thu, 01/13/2011 - 05:43efine
    Hi, I am just trying to overlay a subject's zmap that I created in dparsfa that reflects the correlations among various ROIs over a structural image using slice viewe but get the following error message: Warning: image_toolbox not valid > In rest_sliceviewer...
    90644 reads
  • Wed, 01/12/2011 - 01:43efine
    Hi, I just wanted to confirm the system requirements for REST. Is it Mac OS compatible?
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  • Sat, 01/08/2011 - 22:07flysnail
    请教各位老师:想将dparsf分析后得到的FC mapping 转换回标化前的形态,这样就可以将激活区overlay到未标化的T1WI图像上,该如何实现呢?需要注意些什么呢?
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  • Tue, 01/04/2011 - 15:43ZangYF
    欢迎参加学术报告! 题目:Imaging the Sub-cortical Pain Control Networks 报告人:Yazhuo Kong (Ph.D.) 时间地点:2011-01-06, 15:00, 北师大认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室脑成像中心三楼小会议室 主持人:臧玉峰 Yazhuo Kong (Ph.D.) Postdoctoral Research Fellow PaIN Group & FMRIB Centre Oxford University John Radcliffe...
    89802 reads
  • Mon, 01/03/2011 - 02:55zhangxin
    哪位老师能给我发一个SPM用的AAL插件?谢谢 我的邮箱是:doctorzhangxin@gmail.com
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  • Sun, 01/02/2011 - 11:50micees
    我用SPM处理了数据,没有进行校正,SPM8里result时只出来了FWE和none,我想使用REST上的Alphasim进行校正,该怎么做?直接用那个表可以吗?那是不是就是rmm=5,我用的FWHM是8。 另外我在SPM上看到的MNI坐标,在使用TalairachClient软件前,是不是要先进行一次转换才可以用啊? 谢谢啊,谁能回答我
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  • Sat, 01/01/2011 - 22:35bgao
    老师们,你们好!我在用DPASFA处理数据时,matlab里提示了下面的错误,请问是什么原因?怎么解决?谢谢! ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in ==> DPARSFA_run at 165 InputFilename=[AutoDataProcessParameter.DataProcessDir,filesep,'T1Raw',filesep,AutoDataProcessParameter.SubjectID{i},filesep,...
    37264 reads
  • Fri, 12/31/2010 - 02:05Veronica
    Hello, We´ve been using REST to analyse resting state scans. First we did it following the indications of the presentation, using a mask for the ROI and a mask for the brain. Well, we finally obtained the default mode networks, as expected. However, we...
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  • Tue, 12/28/2010 - 21:19Champagne
    各位老师好,我在制图的时候遇到以下几个问题,想请教一下各位老师,非常感谢! 1、我们知道AAL模板有90个区域,我计算了每个区域的某个属性值,比如说中央度,我计算出了中央度最大的5个区后,在rest的Slice View里把这5个区Save Clusters了,得到了一个.img和一个.hdr文件。可是在显示这个文件的时候,颜色是按这5个区的Labal值显示的。如果我希望这5个区域的颜色显示的是我计算出来的中央度,需要怎么做? 2、我把正常人中央度显著大于AD患者的区域做了一个图,...
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