Thu, 03/19/2015 - 12:51niuwen??? Error using ==> cd Cannot CD to J:\29\T1Img (Name is nonexistent or not a directory). Error in ==> DPARSF_run at 467 cd([AutoDataProcessParameter.DataProcessDir,filesep,'T1Img']); Error in ==>...7250 reads
Wed, 03/18/2015 - 01:05allanwHi All, I processed a group of patients and controls in DPARSF, and now I have a results folder containing ALFF and fALFF folders. Inside each folder I have files of the form ALFFMap, mALFF-1Map, mALFFMap, and zALFFMAP. I want to do one-sample and two-...4728 reads
Mon, 03/16/2015 - 11:14ilovec如题所示 我处理过了nifti文件以后,想要对这一组图像进行其他处理以及比较简洁明了的方式呈现出来,但是我不知道该提取nii里面哪一个slice来作为代表,或者在rest中有没有一个比较通用的操作可以达到这个目的呢8553 reads
Fri, 03/13/2015 - 12:57middleping各位老师好,我最近给被试(共5人)扫静息态fMRI时得出的结果均为头动大于3,配准后的图像无法使用。机子为飞利浦公司Achieva3T磁共振,2014年7月机器系统升级,之后我扫描的被试头动开始变大,技师认为与机器升级无关。这台机器以往扫fMRI没有出现这种情况,我们给被试戴上耳塞,耳塞内再加一块海绵,再用鸟笼式固定器限制头动,最终结果仍然是头动大于3,目前没有好的办法解决。想向大家请教在扫描过程中有什么好的方法改善被试头动问题?3229 reads
Thu, 03/12/2015 - 01:49vvillaltaHi! I had used REST before but since updating to Matlab 2014 and Yosemite I keep getting this error (below) and I am not able to use the slice viewer. Any thoughts? Thanks! V Error using sprintf Function is not defined for 'matlab.ui.Figure'...3735 reads
Wed, 03/11/2015 - 10:09ilovec如题所示 我用的只有结构型MRI,经过VBM和双样本t检验,用rest提取了8个激活区作为roi,因为考虑到这些roi都包含了不同的脑区,然后选择了 Multiple label values in a single mask 然后将 theROITimeCourses(t) =mean(theTimePoint); 改为 theROITimeCourses(t) =sum(theTimePoint); 然后产生了如下结果: 在txt文本里的数值如下: 1....4924 reads
Wed, 03/04/2015 - 21:48MariusDear all, how can i extract mni coordinates from a region of interest? I also need the corresponding anatomical structure description of each mni coordinate. Thanks, Marius3430 reads
Wed, 03/04/2015 - 20:00scott_zhangyi老师您好, 请问一下ROI wise功能连接计算后的txt文件可以用Rest的statistics工具分析吗?如何将这些数据显示成图像啊?谢谢老师。4120 reads
Mon, 03/02/2015 - 18:29bohaterewiczDear colleagues, I would like to compare resting states data from 2 subjects, but I don't know what is the correct way to do this: after preprocessing data, do I need to perform ICA analyses and next get some statistical analyses (let's say...3519 reads
Sun, 03/01/2015 - 19:55千寻e老师,你好,我用dartel方法做VBM,开始图像中心点不怎么齐,当然也不太歪,用AlphaSim校正后,得到4个clusters,每个cluster体素都挺大,后来我调整了图像中心点,用同样的方法处理,但结果完全没有激活点,为什么会出现这种情况,请老师指点。2652 reads