• Wed, 12/17/2014 - 11:31杨先生
    各位老师好,我想问一下在SPM中怎么做conjunction analysis?
    7783 reads
  • Sun, 12/14/2014 - 22:35ma.shalchy
    Dear Experts I'm trying to detrend a set of rest images using rest toolkit,however, the following error occurs: Exception occured.    (MATLAB:nonExistentField)     Reference to non-existent field 'mat'.     60#line...
    4903 reads
  • Mon, 12/08/2014 - 18:54ma.shalchy
    Dear Rest Experts Hi I would like to perform  ROI wise (multivariate) coefficient based GCA. However, I do not know whether to set the order as "1" or "2"? Secondly, what does the "order" represent? Many thanks in advance....
    4754 reads
  • Sun, 12/07/2014 - 14:311039041350
     老师, 您好!我扫描的静息态数据是15分钟,不知道这个时间可不可以,是否时间太长?如果太长,扫描出来的数据该怎么使用? 应该先扫描结构像还是先扫描功能像,先后顺序是否会对数据结果产生影响? 谢谢,老师~
    4835 reads
  • Sun, 12/07/2014 - 10:58mcp
    16517 reads
  • Fri, 12/05/2014 - 23:31Marius
    Hey, is it possible to calculate an averaged power spectrum of all BOLD-Signals in a region of interest? Thanks, Marius
    4209 reads
  • Fri, 12/05/2014 - 10:47ma.shalchy
    Dear Experts Hi I am trying to find the path coefficients between eight DMN regions and my study onsists of 8 patients and 8 controls.By following the GCA tutorial  I put my subjects in a folder with "subject001,subject002..." subfolders,...
    7368 reads
  • Wed, 12/03/2014 - 17:05ivy5566
     求教各位老师,        我先做了某个ROI voxel wise的功能连接后,将全组人这个ROI的FC和某个认知任务的的得分做了相关分析。为什么得出的数据格式是.nii, 我以前做出来的都是.img 和.hdr两个文件?是不是哪里出错了? 谢谢各位老师指教!
    4008 reads
  • Tue, 12/02/2014 - 09:47Fan Cx
    3DT1图像用DARTEL分析,灰质c1开头的文件经过“Normalize to MNI space”后出现了下图这样的图像,分析步骤也在下边,请问我该怎么解决?期待您的回复,谢谢!  (1) DICOM to NIFTI. (2) "New Segment + DARTEL": New Segment -- The structural image is then segmented into gray matter, white matter and...
    10388 reads
  • Tue, 11/25/2014 - 23:46yaosir
     各位老师和同学: 我对扫描参数一直了解不多,最近在写论文时有一些困惑,问题如下: 1. REST的旋转角记录的是标准角,请问标准角是指多少度呢? 2. T1的旋转角记录的是矢状位,这个又是多少度呢? 3. 我们数据的TR是2530(在北师大采的数据),但我看很多研究里面T1的TR是7-8ms,而另一部分则是1000-3000ms,为什么差别这么大呢? 提前感谢!
    4479 reads