• Mon, 09/29/2014 - 18:17sugizo1991
       用dparsf做FC时,总是报错matrix dimensions must agree,请问老师我应该怎么解决这个问题,这里的matrix 在哪个文件夹里,维数应该是多少?
    4151 reads
  • Sun, 09/28/2014 - 17:56Helen001
     Converting T1 Images:Sub_001 OK ??? Undefined function or method 'file2mat' for input arguments of type 'struct'.   Error in ==> file_array.subsref>subfun at 80 t = file2mat(sobj,varargin{:});   Error in ==> file_array.subsref at 60...
    5682 reads
  • Sun, 09/28/2014 - 14:52xiaomi
    各位老师好: 我想用您开发的REST-GCA做任务态的GCA分析,可是看您的文献中提到rest-gca只适用于连续的任务态数据。我的数据不是连续任务态,是一很简单的组块设计的静息与任务等时相间的,并且我能很明确的把任务态的时间点全部提取出来,重新组成类似连续的任务态数据!不知道这样可不可以用rest-gca分析处理?此方法可行不可行? 望老师有时间给予解答与指导!谢谢!
    5588 reads
  • Sat, 09/27/2014 - 00:37wisepig119
     下了DPABI用dparsf基本版出错,整个DPABI文件夹是add with subfolds添加进去的,matlab2013a,REST1.8,一点击Run就出错 Undefined function 'DPARSF_run' for input arguments of type 'struct'.   Error in DPARSF>pushbuttonRun_Callback (line 1109)     [Error]=DPARSF_run(...
    2915 reads
  • Thu, 09/25/2014 - 19:22ljy124908719
    老师,我现在在用DPARSF做图像的处理。看您的视频中所做的有关功能连接的都是静息态的。 我们现在设计的是在一个视觉刺激下检测fMRI的BOLD像。请问在有事件刺激的条件下能做功能连接吗?需要额外测量静息态的图像作为参考吗?
    3891 reads
  • Tue, 09/23/2014 - 11:01ljy124908719
      错误报告如下: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running 'Slice Timing'   SPM8: spm_slice_timing (v3756)      ...
    9403 reads
  • Mon, 09/22/2014 - 06:53ayo
    老師, 我這次run DPABI出現了以下錯誤 以往run DPARSFA都不會有的 是程式更新的關係, 還是哪個步驟出錯了呢 謝謝老師 Moving Coviables Removed Files:NL1507 OK ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in ==> DPARSFA_run>(parfor body) at 2672 MatFilename=[AutoDataProcessParameter.DataProcessDir,...
    7093 reads
  • Thu, 09/18/2014 - 19:56mcp
    FOV:RL(mm) 220 AP(mm) 220 FH(mm) 176 Voxel size RL(mm) 3.44 AP(mm) 5 Slice thickness(mm) 5 Recon voxel size(mm) 1.53 Fold-over suppression no Reconstruction matrix 144 SENSE yes P...
    12703 reads
  • Wed, 09/17/2014 - 17:38WHX
    主讲:万小红 主持人:臧玉峰 时间: 上午10:00 日期:2014年9月29日(周一) 地点:杭州师范大学恕园4号楼206 Abstract: Human rationality is superior to other animals, but is still bounded. How do human beings solve problems on complex situations based on limited rationality? The behaviour studies have...
    4218 reads
  • Tue, 09/16/2014 - 19:03crmartir
     Hello REST developers, I have one doubt regarding the Statistical Analysis tool form dpabi.  - Once preprocessed the functional data - with SPM8 - and calculated ALFF and fALFF Maps - detrended, filtered (ALFF) and extracted nuisance covariates (WM...
    5613 reads