• Mon, 09/15/2014 - 23:04lzhyoyo123
    如何将AAL模板中提取的ROI再进一步细分,如壳核如何分割成 前壳核、后壳核两部分,之间空出9mm间隔。
    5834 reads
  • Mon, 09/15/2014 - 09:36xiaopeng
    求助:不知道哪位老师有老鼠的EPI模板和全脑mask,能不能发送一份呢? 亟需 谢谢!
    2698 reads
  • Fri, 09/12/2014 - 10:43李川0810
     各位老师:         您好!         最近我在研究GCA,参考了REST-GCA的计算原理,还有一些不明白之处,迫切希望得到老师们的解答。 在计算基于Multivariate coefficients的gca时,和Y(t-i)是n*1的矩阵吗?其代表意义是什么?参考chen的文章为n*n的矩阵,那对应于最后每个被试n*n的矩阵是每个A矩阵求平均吗?此外,p是延迟数量吗?与分别代表什么?  ...
    4812 reads
  • Thu, 09/11/2014 - 01:49dm7941a
     Hi! I'm trying to use REST Alpha Sim to do a Montecarlo simulation for VBM. I am using FWHM of 8, but cannot figure out what to do for rmm. I read that the default edge connected is 18, but I have seen a range of rmm. How do you decide what to use? Also...
    4319 reads
  • Thu, 09/11/2014 - 01:02GaoYi
     谢谢,各位老师。dpabi网站还没有注册成功,很着急,就想到这里请教各位老师。 用dpabi做smREHO,mfALFF,ZFC等的单样本及双样本T检验,报错如下:  。 怎么解决呢,万分感谢各位老师!xiexie!
    10326 reads
  • Wed, 09/10/2014 - 15:55abujamea
     Dear colleagues I am beginner in rest state fMRI experiments, my question might look silly for you, I saw many rest fMRI protocols they mentioned that TR should not exceed 3000ms, is it technical issue or it has some relation to mechanism of the brain...
    3697 reads
  • Wed, 09/10/2014 - 09:54xiaopeng
    各位老师,节日快乐! 大鼠的静息态,SPM怎么用自己的数据做模板(EPI、T1),然后进行标准化? 恳请各位老师帮忙解答,谢谢!
    4628 reads
  • Tue, 09/09/2014 - 17:38crmartir
    Hi Rest team, Firstly, thanks in advance for the development of such an adequate software and for maintaining it as an open source. I have some doubts regarding the Statistical Analysis toolkit from Rest and dpabi. I have one group of twenty subjects which...
    3300 reads
  • Thu, 09/04/2014 - 17:23crmartir
    Hello REST team, First of all, thanks for the development of such a adequate software to analyse resting state fMRI data, and for maintaining it as an open source. Now, I have some doubts about how to use the Statistical Analysis utility in REST, or more...
    10187 reads
  • Thu, 09/04/2014 - 16:36zhoujun
    各位老师您好:        Rest 1.8 matlab2013b windows7 64bit 是我的电脑环境。        打开rest工具箱,在viewer功能中进行tal和MNI坐标系转换,比如坐标tal[-41,-65,37],转换MNI后[-46,-64,42],但是直接用rest_tal2icbm_spm函数转换,结果却是不一样的。请问这是什么情况? 谢谢
    4213 reads