• Mon, 07/28/2014 - 00:57yeshion
     各位老师好:       我用MICA提取了实验组的DMN网络(选择了Z-score转换),然后利用REST的extract ROI signals工具(感兴趣区选择为PCC/PC)提取的txt文件内容代表这个网络在这个ROI上的功能连接值,也是Z-value,理解的对吗?      还有,就是我看不懂这个txt文件,里面有“—”代表负连接?,而且后面还有e-2等等什么的,比如-2....
    5104 reads
  • Sat, 07/26/2014 - 23:24joyao1991
     请教老师,论坛上的视频中提到slice viewer中打开的overlay是NIFTI格式时,左是右,右是左。严超赣老师示范了从slice viewer保存图像并用ps处理的过程。这样得到的tif图片就可以直接用于投稿了吗?不管左右相反的问题吗?
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  • Fri, 07/25/2014 - 22:24joyao1991
    已经用SPM8得到了单个被试的任务激活图,接下来想做组分析,有以下几个疑问: 1.(1)用SPM做组分析,在Results中选择FDR校正,p值选为0.05,再用slice viewer打开生成的SPM_T图(是否需要在slice viewer中再设置p值?);(2)用rest做单样本t检验(base是否应为0?),再用slice viewer打开生成的nii文件,p值设置为0.05,并且在misc中选择FDR校正。 (1)和(2)两种方法是否有区别? 2.在slice...
    5650 reads
  • Fri, 07/25/2014 - 21:28ImKi
    Dear all, I run DPARSFA to obtain ALFF data. I used the results (zALFF) as input in SPM8 for two way ANOVA (full factorial analysis 2nd level). I got the following error: (see below). It says orientation is not the same, but I double checked and it is ras for...
    5441 reads
  • Fri, 07/25/2014 - 09:51insular
    严老师,您好。 1. 我用 DPARSFA 2.3 跑 unified segmentation , 会出错: Warning: Matrix is singular, close to singular or badly scaled. Results may be inaccurate. RCOND = NaN.  > In expm>PadeApproximantOfDegree at 123   In expm at 39   In...
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  • Thu, 07/24/2014 - 15:38chunhuichen
    Hi experts,   I just read this paper (Bennett,2009,SCAN, The principled control of false positives in neuroimaging ), in which the auther wrote: Another method that is often...
    4177 reads
  • Wed, 07/23/2014 - 22:19ant80
    Hi all,  I am evaluating ReHo using REST for my analysis, and I have a few questions.  I found this quote in the REST 1.1 English manual: Image file format must be ANALYZE 7.5, and MRIcron or AFNI (Cox, 1996) can be used to transform the format I...
    4680 reads
  • Wed, 07/23/2014 - 06:39Jie123
     I will type in English this time and hopefully it is readable... 1) In the preprocessing, rigid-body6 is the default one. Would Friston24 be a better choice? 2) My impression is that Reho and degree centrality can not be derived from smoothed data and...
    4722 reads
  • Wed, 07/23/2014 - 06:26Jie123
    您好, 我在处理数据时仍然有几个不清楚的地方向您求证: 1) preprocessing中的Head motion model, 默认是rigid-body6, 是不是选择Friston24更好? 2) Reho和degree centrality好象不能用smoothed数据, 所以要和ALFF(fALFF)分开处理. 对于Reho和degree centrality, 在DPARSF-Advanced version中, 不勾选smooth, 不勾选fALFF+ALFF, 但要选择Filter,...
    3801 reads
  • Wed, 07/23/2014 - 01:18jma0206
     各位老师同学大家好,         最近用dparsf 软件处理数据时,我提取出了AAL time course,我想问一下这90个时间序列的每一个点的含义是什么,主要是其正负的含义;其次,我们能不能用一些方法将其时间序列都变为正呢?         谢谢大家的解答! 马杰
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