• Tue, 07/15/2014 - 18:15sharky
    Dear DPARSF users and developers, Could you please confirm that the values I am enering are correct? I have 200 BOLD volumes per subject, 40 slices acquired in a sequential (ascending) order.  Slice numbering starts at 0, therefore I should enter: Slice...
    5519 reads
  • Thu, 07/10/2014 - 19:43yeshion
     各位老师好:         我利用MICA软件提取了DMN网络。现在观察患者每个DMN 的功能连接异常区域是否和患者预后评分有关系。对于每个DMN ,先在双样本t- 检验的结果中提取出患者相比正常对照降低的脑区(P<0.05,AlphaSim校正),作为ROIs。然后应用REST里的Extract ROI Signals工具提取ROI Singals,但是运行时出现以下错误提示,小弟非工科,看不懂代码,恳请老师指点,不胜感激! forum/sites/...
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  • Thu, 07/10/2014 - 04:22ant80
    Hi all,  I am new to DPARSF. Recently ran 10 subjects' rsfMRI through DPARSF and got the results. However I am not able to understand the results generated by the software. I have attached the screenshot of the settings on DPARSF that I ran, so that, I...
    7658 reads
  • Mon, 07/07/2014 - 15:17jiaxize
    大家好,           Rest calculate中的计算temporal 相关的函数有问题,下次升级就会改进,现在需要做temporal 相关分析的,可以修改rest_TwoGroupCorr.m文件中的函数“temcorr(Group1Dir,Group2Dir,outdir)”。即将rest_TwoGroupCorr文件中74行的for i=1:nVolumn替换为    for i=1:size(...
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  • Fri, 07/04/2014 - 19:44Chery
     各位老师好:        我想问一下处理猴子的fMRI图像时,有没有像AAL那样的模版呢,如果没有模版的话应该怎么处理呢?谢谢各位老师了。
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  • Thu, 07/03/2014 - 17:51csddzh
    9699 reads
  • Thu, 07/03/2014 - 08:08lipingchxyy
     张老师您好:        我想学习一下ICA的相关知识及分析方法。我是一个初学者,能不能发一些关于ICA的教程给我(lipingchxyy@163.com).非常感谢你的帮助,同时期待你的回复!
    2721 reads
  • Wed, 07/02/2014 - 22:56KellyWarr88
    Hello, I am extremely new to using the DPARSF software. I am trying to preprocess my resting-state fMRI data and can get DPARSF to begin this, but it will only work for a while until I get this error message:  Moving Realign Parameters:Sub_4982 OK...
    3235 reads
  • Tue, 07/01/2014 - 17:00benchenchen
      Dear teachers: I have a question about the rest slice viewer.After calculating the FC data,I wan to use the "Ch2 Bet" as the underlay template.But the image of sagittal view ( x=1)is incompleted(As shown in the figure).How should I...
    5082 reads
  • Mon, 06/30/2014 - 20:43Carolineqiu
          老师您好,我们课题的合作者说“we need a 'mask' figure to show that the resting fmRI acquisition covered most of the medal prefrontal regions”,不知道这个具体是什么意思,请教老师这个应该从哪方面进行处理呢?
    5500 reads