Sun, 06/09/2013 - 03:22yiyuan美国德州理工大学脑成像研究院诚招博士后职位 主要研究方向: 经验和基因调节和影响大脑、生理和心理的可塑性及机理。 设施: 实验室具备自己的3T脑成像、128脑电、多道生理等多种仪器。 实验室发表成果: 在身心调节的生理心理机理和跨文化因素影响大脑可塑性等方面已发表8篇高影响因子的成果(6篇PNAS、2篇TICS),并开创了Mindfulness Neuroscience新领域。 导师介绍: 唐一源教授现任美国德州理工大学脑成像研究院院长,脑科学讲席教授。 待遇: 可以为博士后提供所有相关的科研资源、...5419 reads
Fri, 06/07/2013 - 09:48kimHi, i don't know how to open realingment done file (which processed by DPARSF program) on SPM8 in the other words, Can I open and check intergrade file such as realignment result or normalization result (which's already...6132 reads
Thu, 06/06/2013 - 17:54fish尊敬的各位老师: 我想问ica提取出来z值应该怎么解释呢?我做的是case-control用双样本t检验后选取其中的roi,再提取z值,这个指的是roi在这个大脑网络的连接强度?还是指? 再补充一下:有文章提出“在双样本t- 检验的结果中提取出患者相比正常对照增高及降低的脑区,作为感兴趣区,再提取感兴趣区内每个患者的平均z 值”,我想问的是提取出来的ROI应该用的是rest里面extract ROI signals吧?...5207 reads
Tue, 06/04/2013 - 20:14bernie29Hi, I just begin with DPARSF, but in DPARSF_V2.2_130309\Templates all the masks 91x109x91 seem to be empty. So I replaced them by those ones of SPM8, but i prefer to signal this problem. Thanks. Antoine6984 reads
Tue, 06/04/2013 - 17:25rumen老师: 您好,我在计算完两组被试的DC之后,进行双样本T检验,把有显著差异的脑区提取出来,然后想对每组被试提取感兴趣区域的mDC值。 请问: 1.ROI的制作是用对应ALL模板中不同脑区的阈值提取脑区作为mask好还是采用以Peak点为中心的球形ROI比较好呢? 2.提取感兴趣区域是不是把每组所有被试的各ROI值提取出来,然后用SPSS统计比较两组的差异吗?可不可以对每组被试的单样本T检验校正后的cluster结果提取ROI值? 谢谢您!5305 reads
Mon, 06/03/2013 - 12:43chlaiDear REST experts: I have some problems of process about ReHo production during DPARSF. Running job #1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Running 'Smooth' Done 'Smooth' Done Moving Smoothed Files:subject001 OK...5410 reads
Sat, 06/01/2013 - 11:40qianqian臧老师,您好! 我一个fMRI研究收到了两个比较难以回答的审稿意见,想向您请教下: 1. 我同时记录了两组被试(假设为组A和B)、两个阶段(反应阶段 和 反馈阶段)的fMRI结果,分别对两组被试在两个阶段的大脑激活模式进行了分析。 在报告数据时,我使用了三种阈值: 针对反应阶段:组内比较使用的阈值是 FDR<0.01, K>50;组间比较是FDR<0.05, K>50; 针对反馈阶段:组内比较和组间比较的阈值都使用FDR<0.001,K>50....11955 reads
Thu, 05/30/2013 - 19:38jwhnavyHi Dr. Yu-feng Zang and collegues, I'm Wi Hoon in South Korea. I'd like to convert voxel size of 3x3x3 to 4x4x4 in MNI space using DPARSFA or SPM. Could you tell me bounding box imformation for 4x4x4 voxel size (e.g., [-90 -126 -72; 90 90 108] for...8824 reads
Thu, 05/30/2013 - 00:48druzgalI've have a question doing VHMC within the DPARSFA pipeline. The default outputs of VHMC include both VMHC and zVMHC files. The zVMHC file seems to reflect a Z-transform of the VMHC file, performed on every voxel inside a default brain mask. However, the...5017 reads
Wed, 05/29/2013 - 21:35LouiseDear teachers: Added is the errors when running ‘new segment+DARTEL’ using DPARSFA. But when running ’segment‘ it can work well. Actually, I can find cfg_util in spm8. Could you tell me the reason? Thank you very much! The following...5124 reads