Tue, 05/28/2013 - 19:34insularDear Dr. Dong I notice a new function added into REST Image Calculator, "corr(i1,i2,'spatial')" . What is the 'spatial' correlation between image 1 and image2? Is there any ref. about this 'spatial' correlation? Thanks.9056 reads
Tue, 05/28/2013 - 19:27zangzxA wrriten mistake in transformation of F values to F' values in REST-GCA paper was pointed out by Mr. WU Guorong. We thank Mr. Wu for the correction and we confirmed the REST-GCA toolkit code is correct. We apologize to readers for this mistake. In the readme...3185 reads
Tue, 05/28/2013 - 19:10yanzhou老师您好: 我发现大部分针对静息态的研究被试都是常规MRI没有明确病灶的,那么对于常规MRI能够发现病变的能否运用DPARSF软件进行分析,或者说能否进行静息态脑功能研究呢?谢谢!4748 reads
Tue, 05/28/2013 - 16:20liwenfu大家好,有个问题请教下: 我在试验中收集有午睡习惯的被试每周的午睡天数,有4 5 6 7共四个选项,如果我想找到午睡习惯可能影响到的脑区(使用VBM数据),应该是使用multiple regression 还是one-way ANOVA between subjects哪?如果使用one-way ANOVA between subjects的话,contrast vector应该怎么设置才能满足我的目标那? ...15305 reads
Tue, 05/28/2013 - 10:12yanrui15各位老师: 请教下,我这些天使用rest,遇到了些问题。在REST slice viewer 中,选择template 的软件自带的4个模板,不管是Open ch2 或者Open ch2 Bet,软件大小不是我预处理的61*73*61,而我在双样本T检验用的这个软件自带的模板是61*73*61,我获得结果时把一个小的双样本T检验获得的T.img这个图像套到这个REST slice viewer 中,选择大的尺寸的template获得结果,是不是不合理,...6391 reads
Mon, 05/27/2013 - 23:40chlaiDear REST experts: Recently I run the DPARSF basic edition and I faced the following wrong messages in my matlab command window ??? Error using ==> spm_slice_vol at 32 spm_slice_vol.c not compiled - see Makefile Error in ==> spm_slice_timing at 213...4303 reads
Mon, 05/27/2013 - 10:2206170323严老师, 你好! 向您反映一个DPARSF滤波报错问题,就是如果同一台电脑开多个MATLAB同时用DPARSF跑数据时,在滤波这一步特别容易报错(报错内容如下),好像只能允许一个DPARSF跑滤波这一步。 Load mask "". Build band pass filtered mask. Wait... Band Pass Filter working. Wait...Error...4190 reads
Mon, 05/27/2013 - 08:00insularDear Dr. Yan, I have used the DPARSFA (Caculate in MNI space warped by DARTEL) to prepocess my data. All of the preprocessed data were in MNI space now. However, I wanted the subject's mask (in Masks folder) aslo in the MNI space. I cannot find either...5102 reads
Sun, 05/26/2013 - 23:06liuchen我在使用mica的时候,在成分挑选的时候,gui view界面中点击sort components,并且选择空间相关并加载了需要的DMN网络模板,点击ok之后,软件没有任何反应, 问题1:恳请张寒老师指导一下,mica中sort components的使用。 问题2:identify components在使用默认的设置,全部勾选,点击ok,matlaB就会报错,请问identify components的作用以及他的使用方法。 Idendentify components ??? Undefined...8475 reads
Fri, 05/24/2013 - 21:04yanzhou老师您好,想请教下,在运用NBS CONNECTOME这个软件时,用DPARSF作后处理, AAL模板, 如何获得Connectivity Matrices? 我看 NBS CONNECTOME软件的说明书中提到可以用DPARSF产生的.多谢指教!3969 reads