Can't establish the hdr/img files of functional connectivity through the functional connectivity function of REST toolbox

Dear all REST experts:

Recently I worked on the functional connectivity function of REST toolbox, but I found that it showed some error messages about ROI dimension when I imported the cluster ROI files.

The error messages were as follows

Error using ==> rest_loadmask at 64

Mask does not match.
Mask size is 181x217x181, not same with required size 61x73x61
64#line, rest_loadmask, in "E:\Brain image software\REST_V1.8_130303\rest_loadmask.m"
71#line, fc, in "E:\Brain image software\REST_V1.8_130303\fc.m"
1419#line, (parfor body), in "E:\Brain image software\REST_V1.8_130303\fc_gui.m"
477#line, parallel_function, in "C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2010a\toolbox\matlab\lang\parallel_function.m"
1370#line, btnComputeFC_Callback, in "E:\Brain image software\REST_V1.8_130303\fc_gui.m"
96#line, gui_mainfcn, in "C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R2010a\toolbox\matlab\guide\gui_mainfcn.m"
39#line, fc_gui, in "E:\Brain image software\REST_V1.8_130303\fc_gui.m"

If I used spheric ROI method, I dound that the FC step can be completed smoothly. However, there were no hdr/img files of FC.

Can anybody tell me how to fix this bugs?

Thank you for your kind help

Dr. Lai

 Did you use REST slice viewer generate this ROI mask? Did you generat from the T1 images?
 This error msg inform you that you have used a mask with improper dimension/resolution when compared with your functional images.

 I think one thing is you need to check your ROI generation step. The other thing is you can resample the ROI into 61 73 61 dimension using one of your functional image as a reference (in REST --utilities-- resample).