Submitted by ma.shalchy on Wed, 10/01/2014 - 21:29
Dear all
Thank you so much for your time.
Where could I find the list of rest toolkit most used commands (in matlab i.e rest_readfile)?
And also could some one please tell me the difference between DPARSF and rest toolkit?
Many thanks in advance.
Submitted by jiaxize on Thu, 10/02/2014 - 22:49 Permalink
Re: Rest fmri based matlab commands
Dear Mahsa,
You can find them from Rest folder.
Dparsf is a pipeline, you can finish lots of process in 'one' GUI. Rest is a toolkit, there are lots of function in it, you can use them in GUI or command(i.e rest_ttestpaired_Image.m, rest_detrend.m,alff.m,rest_writefile.m)
Xi-ze Jia