question re multiple ROIs in functional connectivity


My name is Kathryn and I am new to REST toolkit but would like to use it for functional connectivity analyses and have encountered three problems.

1) I want to be able to test the functional connectivity between multiple regions of interest (N=9) in the brain for multiple different participants. I have been using WFU Pickatlas to creat a single ROI map containing all ROIs that I am looking at. My first problem is that, I am unable to generate results with only one defined ROI in the functional connectivity window of REST. Is it at all possible to run multiple ROIs in a single map?

2) Relatedly, previous studies of resting state have examine, for example, functional connectivity of the PCC to all other regions in the brain. We suppose that is not possible in REST because we need several ROIs? 
3) Third, if it is the case that all ROI's have to be created seperately for functional connectivity analysis, does each individual ROI have to be coregistered to each and every participant that i want to run the analysis on? Or, is there a way to batch process it or would coregistration to a group map be sufficient? 

Any help on these three issues would be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,
Kathryn Jackson