Behavioral Covariate in FC analysis

I'm investigating whether the functional connectivity strength between a seed ROI and other areas in the brain is associated with age (an individual-level covariate). Therefore, I generated functional connectivity maps indicating areas whose activity was correlated with my chosen seed at rest.

Now I'm using the "Correlation" option of the Statistical Analysis tool. Could someone tell me how to structure my text file for the behavioral covariate? I currently have a text file with the ages in order, and each person receiving one row. I also tried running the analysis with ages tab-delimited and comma-delimited. REST inputs my zROI_FCmap files and looks like its starting to run, but gets the following error message when the analysis is 10% complete. Does anyone know how to structure my behavioral covariate text file to fix this? 


Correlation Calculating...
..........Error using partialcorr (line 121)
All input arrays must have the same number of rows.
Error in rest_corr_Image (line 82)
Error in rest_corr_gui>btnCompute_Callback (line 158)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in rest_corr_gui (line 28)
    gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

 Dear cburrows
   I am not sure about your problem. So I will write every details about do correlation.
1). click REST Correlation Analysis pushbutton.
2). click Add Group Images. (Put all of your FC maps in a folder, and choose it)
3). click Add Seed Variate. e.g. age of each subject. You can 
structure them like this.
---------------------------your text file----------------------
4). press the compute pushbutton.
the amount of age must be equal to the amount of FC maps.
