ROI-ROI analyses - Order in the Correlation Matrix


I am running a ROI-ROI resting state functional connectivity analysis and I am looking at the connectitvity between a seed region and ROIs based on the Harvard-Oxford atlas. When defining the ROIs I first added the the Oxford Atlas for cortical and subcortical structures and then added my ROI based on a sphere. I am wondering now in which order the correlation matrix is arranged. Are the correlations between the ROIs from the atlas and the region I defined in the last row, because I added it last? Or where can I find the correlation ebtween the ROI I defined and the ROIs from the atlas.


Thank you for your help,




Dear Sebastian, 
We are sorry for the delay. Did you solve them? I understand this situation, for this instance, the order of all the seeds of ROIs is arranged in the DPARSFA's results output folder (Folder: Results\FunImgXXXX_ROISignals\ROI_OrderKey_subjectXXX).
With best regards.
Lei Gao.