Resting-state fMRI data analysis toolkit V1.2 (静息态功能磁共振数据处理工具包 V1.2)


Resting-state fMRI data analysis toolkit V1.2 could be downloaded by click here. The latest release is 090101.

New features of REST V1.2 release 090101:

1. Now REST can support image saving function within rest_sliceviewer ("Save Image As" under pull-down menu "Misc").
2. The display mode of transverse multislices was changed as similar to AFNI in rest_sliceviewer.
3. Fixed the bug of cluster size threshold in rest_sliceviewer.
4. The default brain mask in REST was changed to new NIFTI mask which was the SPM5 apriori mask (brainmask.nii) thresholded at 50%. There were still two masks supported under the path \mask: white matter mask - SPM5 apriori mask (white.nii) thresholded at 90% and cerebrospinal fluid mask - SPM5 apriori mask (csf.nii) thresholded at 70%.


New features of REST V1.2:

1. REST V1.2 supports NIFTI (.hdr/.img) format now. Matlab 7.1 or above is recommended.

2. REST V1.2 can process multiple subjects with different covaribles in batch mode. Give the Covariables file as:

 Mail to Authors: SONG Xiao-Wei; YAN Chao-Gan


 Multimedia Course: Data Processing of Resting-State fMRI (Chinese Language)