March 2009

Two extra seminars (afternoon, April 6) after the RS-fMRI symposium

From 14:00, April 6th

The meeting room, 2nd floor, Brain Imaging Center, Beijing Normal University

Rest-State fMRI: From Default Mode Network to Cognitive Network
Jen-Chuen Hsieh (謝仁俊), MD, PhD
Professor and Director, Institite of Brain Science, Yang-Ming University, and Director of Brain Center, VA Hospital, Taipei

Granger Causality: Inferring direction of neural interaction
Xue Wang (王雪), PhD,
Clinical Research Associate

Erratum: Scanning parameters of RS-fMRI for 3T SIEMENS

I am sorry that in the following parameters, I made a type error. The thickness/gap should be 3.5/0.7 mm. If you have used 3.5/0.6, it OK.
Please note that an FOV of 200*200 is sometimes small.

The following parameters are what we are using on a SIEMENS 3T trio scanner. 33 axial slices, thickness/gap = 3.5/0.6 mm, in-plane resolution = 64 × 64, TR = 2000 ms, TE = 30 ms, flip angle = 90, FOV = 200 × 200 mm, volumes = 240 (480 s). I strongly recommend that the RS-fMRI session is placed before the task sessions.

about the resting state fmri workshop

刚看了workshop的介绍,非常好的内容,包括了fMRI, EEG, DTI; ICA, functional connectivity; psychiatric disorder etc. 而且邀请到了biswal和kiviniemi两位专家,一位是先驱,一位是fast ICA专家 (biswal的英语口音比较难懂,大家做好心理准备 :)....









Phuong Hoa's question about functional connectivity with task-related data

Dear Dr. YAN Chao-Gan,

My name is Phuong Hoa, I am studying in Korea. I found your REST toolkit and I am interested in it.

Now I try to measure the functional connectivity from fMRI data with task-related (visual and motor stimuli).

I used ROI-wise with AAL template, but I saw all the correlation coefficient in the result is very high.

Does REST can analyze this kind of data? (Because I wonder REST is for resting-state analysis).

Best regards,
Phuong Hoa

Bandpass filtering


I'm trying to use the rest_bandpass function in your toolkit, but I can't get it to read my data. Specifically, I get the error message below. If I try to use the GUI, I get an error dialog saying "There is no data or non-data files in this directory".

I get the same message for different datatsets. I have made sure that only the volumes and not other files are in that directory. I can use the image files with no problems using other analysis packages.


Thanks for your help,




Gitelman's question about how REST analyzes covariables

Dear SONG Xiao-Wei and YAN Chao-Gan:

Thank you for making REST fmri analysis software available. It has
been very helpful in my analyses.
I have a question about how the software analyzes covariables.

I notice that you add both a linear and a mean regressor to the
covariable matrix.
I understand why you add the mean, but why is the linear regressor also added?
Wouldn't this have been taken care of by detrending the data?

thank you,
Darren Gitelman


Taxonomy upgrade extras: