March 2009

Re: "sunshine"'s question: spatially smoothing before or after ReHo

In a few earlier studies, spatilly smoothing was performed before ReHo analysis. However, Mr. LONG Xiang-Yu found that, for some voxels, the ReHo value is very high because spatially smoothing certainly increase the local similarity. That is why we now recommend to perform spatially smoothing after ReHo calculation. Please note that we are not sure which is "better" for group level analysis, especially between-group studies. I suggest you can compare the results. 


我看了一篇关于resting的文章,上面有这么一段话:After slice acquisition correction and head motion correction, the fMRI was normalized to the standard SPM2 echoplanar imaging template, re-sampled to 3-mm cubic voxels, and then  spatially smoothed with a Gaussian kernel of 4* 4*4mm3 full-width at half-maximum. The resulting fMRI data were temporally band-pass filtered (0.01~o0.08 Hz) to reduce the low-frequency drift and physiological highfrequency respiratory and cardiac noise [1] for further ReH