What's new for '+"resting" +"fMRI"' in PubMed
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你好!我使用DPARSF与Matlab7.4处理数据,由于使用的是2mm的体素进行处理,在regress out nuisance covariates这一步时,出现out of memory错误。由于我的电脑只有2G的内存,可能处理大的数据不够用,但我又不想加内存。但我试过如果不做 regress out nuisance covariates,直接进行FC分析在我的电脑是可以顺利进行的。而我又试过将我的数据由177个时间点分成100和77两个部分分别来处理,此时regress out nuisance covariates这一步在我的电脑是可以顺利进行的。
所以我想问,是否可以这样把大的数据分成较小的2份来处理regress out nuisance covariates,相应的头动参数也分成2份对应,这样处理的结果之后再合并起来用是否有影响?
Dear REST team
I am trying to use REST on animal data. Before starting a large study I would like to make sure that there is indeed functional connectivity in my data.
I would like to start with one animal that was scanned three times with different levels of anesthesia. He had 5 contiguous slices x 300 time points with TR 2.5.
Dear REST pro's
如题,就是严帅哥在杭州讲的Carrot 文件,说两个配置文件要替换的。
Since the global signal tends to affect the default network connectivity map, why did your NOT try to remove such global effect before the ICA analysis?
WIN XP; Matlab7.01; rest 1.4(20100426);
??? Error using ==> cd
Cannot CD to E:\pain\FunImgNormalizedDetrendedFilteredCovremoved (Name is nonexistent or not a directory).
Error in ==> DPARSF_run at 938
Error in ==> DPARSF>pushbuttonRun_Callback at 935
I´m very new in Rest, I have only one Patient and I want to see the activation areas in resting state, I already got the ALFF, fALFF and Reho, and I tried with the Slice Viewer, but when I choose the T1 image for the overlay, the next message appears:
This NIfTI image includes an rotation transformation. You should reslice this data before attempting to overlay the image,