What's new for '+"resting" +"fMRI"' in PubMed
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Does it make any sense to do this on sm-1_ReHo data for a group of subjects? OR does ReHo only make sense in a comparison (i.e. paired t test or two way test) to some other baseline/condition?
When I tried to make a oneway test it basically gave me a whole brain activation.
It was unclear to me the nature of the correction cited for the correlation of CESD(抑郁量表) with ICA signal. Was this voxelwise or clusterwise? What was the search volume?
关于第二问我很费解,What was the search volume. 这个要我回答什么呢? 关于search volume,见附件。如何正确的回答他这个问题,search volume 的官方解释到底是什么,我查了很久,没找到书面的解释。请高人多多指点。
dparsf 运行slice timing 经常无故出错,有时又能正常运行,不知什么原因,谢谢!
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我在做静息态分析的时候有一步不是很清楚原理,请问去线性漂移“detrend”这一步的目的是 什么?为什么要做这一步?
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