What's new for '+"resting" +"fMRI"' in PubMed
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Dear Dr. Yan,
I am doing analysis on children's resting network. Could I use newest edition of DPARSFa (v2.1) to integrate Template-O-Matic Toolbox for segmentation?
Thank you very much!
The attached file is the text readme file for REST Normality Test. Thank you for supporting REST and our forum. If you have any questions about Normality Test, pleas let me know.
Zang Zhenxiang
你好,我用SPM做的任务数据分析,我想看下不同任务状态下被试的信号值的变化,可否用REST软件里面的extrct ROI signal 功能来提取任务态下ROI 的信号值
Dear REST authors,
I'm trying to analyze seed-based functional connectivity of the thalamus by using REST and DPARSF.
Here's my simple query: How can I perform FC of the two seeds at the same time (e.g., intrinsic connectivity of both left and right lateral thalamus simutaneously, intead of right and left thalamus, respectively)?
Thank you in advance for your kindness.
Best Wishes