May 2013

Segmentation failure for T1 coregistered to tilted fMRI

Hello some structural scans failed segmentation and normalization after coregistering to RS fMRI scans that had been tilted forward (30 degrees on the x axis to avoid inferior-frontal dropout).  We used the unified segmentation method.  It seems SPM may not be able to match the structural to the standardized tissue templates if the orientation differs a lot.  We were able to resolve the problem somewhat by reorienting the images.  Has anyone else experienced this? 


最近搜集了10个被试的静息态数据,按照操作方法使用Basic DPARSF处理数据得到ALFF和fALFF数据,然后用rest viewer查看这组数据并做单样本t检验(alpha sim矫正p0.01),发现有两个问题,谢谢老师予以指导。