admin's blog

Two levels' ICA can disclose steady-state and transient profiles

The code below is dependent on GIFT, FSL and AFNI. It shows the 2nd level ICA since the 1st level can be done through GIFT, FSL melodic etc..

Transient information can be retrieved by using the saved subject's profile as weight (per the analysis of the paper) to be multiplied to the dynamic profiles given by GIG-ICA or any other back-reconstruction method (such as dual regression).

REST: a toolkit for resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data processing.

REST: a toolkit for resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging data processing. -

REST in scipts

1 ReHo computing in scripts
1.1 Brief description
This sample would remove the linear trend and do band pass filtering, then run the ReHo algorithm, and divide the global mean in a predefined mask. In the meantime, save this person’s result for further t test.
1.2 Scripts

History of creating and maintaining this website

Honestly, I should have started logging the change of from the very first draft.

Er, I would try to log anything important to this site from now on, no laziness, no excuse.

Now is the point:

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