template in spm


As we know, there are two templates in spm: East and European templates. I want to know where (directory and file-name) these two templates are included in spm folder, because I want to do a comparasion between them. could you tell me that?


It's a very interesting question that I didn't know either. At the first thinking I also believed there are different templates in SPM. 
But after I searched SPM email archives I found this:


These are not files, but instead are descriptions of shape variability. If we

know the approximate shape and size of an image, then we can use this 
information to make image registration more robust.  In the case of these 
options, they each represent a mean and covariance matrix for some measures 
derived from affine transform matrices.

Best regards,

So, there are no different tempaltes but rather than different descriptions. 
Hope it helps.


 Great thanks.

Another question about template in ICA: when we get the components, how can we select the target network. As I know, visual inspection and template-matching are two methods. Any others? Are there the public templates for distinct resting-state network so far (where I can find)? what is your suggestion for conducting this step?

 from Vince Calhoun's website you will find some template for IC selection. However, I would prefer visual inspection.

 Hi, Zhang,

Thanks for your reply. A new question is about attention network obtained by ICA: several resting-state studies devided attention networks into two components, namely dorsal and ventral networks (e.g. Li, Human Bain Mapp,2011), based on Fox's findings (PNAS, 2006). As I known,  but, more attention-related netorks were obtained in other studies (e.g. Filippi, humman Brain Mapp, 2012). So how can we defined attention netowrks in ICA? Which one is right? Moreover, there is another netowrk, central executive network. Does it belong to attention networks? what is the relationship between this netowrk and ventral attention network?


 Your question is very intringuous in ICA study. 

Attention network, as I known, has been more frequently reported for dorsal attention network, which consisting of IPS bilaterally, FEF bilaterally. However, for ventral attention network, I did not see consistent finding. 
For other so-called "attention-related" component, for example, unilateral frontoparietal network reported by some ICA studies, is lack of evidence that supporting its functionality. So I would not suggest defining these networks as attention network. 
Anyway, network identification and selection is still an open question, so what I said is just my opinion. Hope it helps.

Great thanks. It is a question:  
there is another netowrk, central executive network. Does it belong to attention networks? what is the relationship between this netowrk and ventral attention network?
If I
 prefer to seed-based analysis (given the inconsistence you mentioned above), could you provide some References for seeds-selection for the common brain network?

  Hi, Zhang,

I created a specific T1 template. Can I use this template in VBM8_toolbox analysis (default setting, except the change of template during normalization). It will be right? 
Based on the vedio course, I chose 2mm and 2o criteria when doing head-motion correction by DPARSF. But a reviewer is interested in why I choose this criteria. how to reply this question? Thanks.

 I am not familair with VBM kind of analysiis. But I know that if you want to get wm, gm, csf parcellation result, you need to specify wm, gm, csf probability maps as templates, ranther than a T1 tamplate.