Submitted by bwmooneyham on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 06:11
Dear all,
I am trying to use the Slice Viewer within REST to perform cluster-extent corrections on a paired-t image, but am getting the following error when selecting the t-image as the Overlay:
??? Attempted to access theOverlay(11,190); index out of bounds because
Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer>AddOverlay at 3281
Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer>SetView_Orthogonal at 1748
theSagittalImg =AddOverlay('Sagittal' ,AConfig,
Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer>SetImage at 1663
Result =SetView_Orthogonal(AConfig);
Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer at 458
Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer at 558
rest_sliceviewer('ChangeOverlay', AFigHandle);
I have never encountered this issue before with any of my other statistical images, so I am wondering if anyone here can help me fix this issue? It is likely relevant that my paired-t images were created in SPM8, but used ICA-component images (from GIFT; r-to-z transformed; subject and session specific) as the inputs for the paired-t test. I'm assuming the issue arises due to unusual dimensions in the ICA component images, but whatever the cause is I would certainly like to work around it.
Thanks for your help and advice,
Ben M
Submitted by ZHANG_RESTadmin on Wed, 07/16/2014 - 10:48 Permalink
Re: Slice viewer Overlay error
yes, your assumption is right. The image dimension of your ica results did not in agreement of REST sliceviewer. Currently, REST sliceviewer only accept those with "ordinary" dimensions, i.e., 61*73*61 for functional images. However, you can still use REST --> utilities --> Alphasim correction, to calculate a cluster-size-based threshold for further use in another toolbox such as Xjview.