Error message when running functional connectivity analysis

 I am trying to run a voxel-wise seed based functional connectivity analysis in the REST toolbox. I am using the HCP (human connectome project) data which has 1200 volumes and a TR of .72. When I run the analysis I get the error:

Exception occured. ()
Error using rest_spm_read_vols (line 34)
File too small.

Has anybody come across this before? Has anybody used this toolbox with the HCP data set? Is there any potential fixes?

I should mention that I have used this toolbox on smaller data sets and it works just fine. Is there a way to use this toolbox with the large data sets



 Thanks for your reply. I have checked my data and there are 1200 volumes in each .nii file. I have tried conduction the functional connectivity analaysis with a smaller group of subjects and still receive the same message 

Computing functional connectivity with:"/Volumes/Seagate/Handedness_data/Handedness_raw_Right/s_004"
Read 3D EPI functional images: "/Volumes/Seagate/Handedness_data/Handedness_raw_Right/s_004".
Exception occured. ()
Error using rest_spm_read_vols (line 34)
File too small.
34#line, rest_spm_read_vols, in "/Applications/REST_V1.8_130615/rest_spm5_files/rest_spm_read_vols.m"
110#line, rest_ReadNiftiImage, in "/Applications/REST_V1.8_130615/rest_ReadNiftiImage.m"
71#line, rest_readfile, in "/Applications/REST_V1.8_130615/rest_readfile.m"
103#line, rest_to4d, in "/Applications/REST_V1.8_130615/rest_to4d.m"
36#line, fc, in "/Applications/REST_V1.8_130615/fc.m"
1419#line, (parfor body), in "/Applications/REST_V1.8_130615/fc_gui.m"
1370#line, btnComputeFC_Callback, in "/Applications/REST_V1.8_130615/fc_gui.m"
96#line, gui_mainfcn, in "/Applications/"
39#line, fc_gui, in "/Applications/REST_V1.8_130615/fc_gui.m"

Do you have any other suggestions?

p.s. I am using SPM 12

 Hi Kris and Experts, 

I also try to do the voxel wise functional connectivity analysis using HCP data and get the same iusse with you. Do you address this issue? I also get this error. If you did, could you give me a favor? Thanks in advance.

In addition, when I try to use dcm2nii to unpack the 4D data to 3D file, I found that just 11 time points can be extracted. I am so cofusing, and I am looking forward to hearing from you. 
