Submitted by yubing on Tue, 03/29/2016 - 17:59 REST工具包里面提供了非常好的 Regress out variable功能,可以在进一步处理前消除很多干扰因素 请教各位老师:这个工具包进行的是参数回归吧?可以直接用这个插件进行非参数回归吗? 如果需要用非参数回归的方式消除干扰变量,参考或者使用哪个软件为好?多谢! Log in or register to post comments 5767 reads Submitted by gaolei6096 on Wed, 04/06/2016 - 01:06 Permalink Re: Rest 的 Regress out 功能 不好意思,什么叫做“非参数回归”?有参考文献吗? Log in or register to post comments Submitted by yubing on Thu, 04/07/2016 - 22:10 Permalink Re: Rest 的 Regress out 功能 文章如下((Zhang,et,al NeuroImage 69 (2013) 62–69 )),文中有这样一段话, 不知如何实现的,求指教,多谢! ”Age, gender and genetic information (i.e., AIM scores) were first regressed out from the FA data using a non-parametric method (Quade, 1972)“ Quade, Dana, 1971. Nonparametric Partial Correlation, Report SW 13/71. Mathmatisch Centrum, Amsterdam {不好意思实在没有找到在回复中挂附件的地方} Log in or register to post comments
Submitted by gaolei6096 on Wed, 04/06/2016 - 01:06 Permalink Re: Rest 的 Regress out 功能 不好意思,什么叫做“非参数回归”?有参考文献吗? Log in or register to post comments
Submitted by yubing on Thu, 04/07/2016 - 22:10 Permalink Re: Rest 的 Regress out 功能 文章如下((Zhang,et,al NeuroImage 69 (2013) 62–69 )),文中有这样一段话, 不知如何实现的,求指教,多谢! ”Age, gender and genetic information (i.e., AIM scores) were first regressed out from the FA data using a non-parametric method (Quade, 1972)“ Quade, Dana, 1971. Nonparametric Partial Correlation, Report SW 13/71. Mathmatisch Centrum, Amsterdam {不好意思实在没有找到在回复中挂附件的地方} Log in or register to post comments
Submitted by gaolei6096 on Wed, 04/06/2016 - 01:06 Permalink
Re: Rest 的 Regress out 功能
Submitted by yubing on Thu, 04/07/2016 - 22:10 Permalink
Re: Rest 的 Regress out 功能
文章如下((Zhang,et,al NeuroImage 69 (2013) 62–69 ) ),文中有这样一段话, 不知如何实现的,求指教,多谢!
”Age, gender and genetic information (i.e., AIM scores) were first regressed out from the FA data using a non-parametric method (Quade, 1972)“
Quade, Dana, 1971. Nonparametric Partial Correlation, Report SW 13/71. Mathmatisch Centrum, Amsterdam