Rest Tools - ALFF maps

Respected Sir , 

My work is focussed in the analysis of neuroimages. I ran a group of subject fmri data with Rest tools and obtained ALFF maps . I would like to know how to obtain the alff value for individual regions of the map and  parcellating it with Automated Anatomical Labeling (aal atlas) ? Is there a way to directly extract the ROI from the rest toolbox ?



You can use the utility in REST as follow:

"Utilities----Extract ROI Signals----add group subject folder (right click)----Define ROI----Add ROI----Predifined ROI (the 2nd part)----2. From AAL template....----Next----Then you can set the threshold corresrponding to each AAL region and save the mask----Done---- the mask will be listed on the ROI Definition List----Done----Run".

The values will be saved in a *.txt file and each column represents each ROI, each row represents each subject.

Then you should click the pull-down list of "Misc" in the lower left and set the range of threshold corresponding to the brain region. "1, 1" for example, and the precuneus which is corresponded to digit "1" will be picked. "save cluster" at last, and the saved image will be listed in the ROI list at the same time.