slice viewer

 用liice viewer查看结果,发现激活区被其他颜色环绕,怎么调参数都去不掉。如图所示,显示的是组内的单样本T检验,Overlay的threshold是4.5,range也设成只看正值了。是怎么回事呢?

As you say, it seems like a bug, would you like to share your overlay? I still can't believe there would be something wrong with the threshold.

The value of underlay of your mouse's position seems to be in white matter as its value is 112.

Another method to check is to change a colorbar, you could do this by:

Misc -> Set overlay's colorbar -> 10 (this would divide the values of overlay space equally to ten divisions corresponding to ten colors)

Misc -> Set range of threshold -> [4.5, 21] (this would make sliceviewer only show positive values)

I select another position, and set range of threshold -> [5, 16], but it seems the same as before.

After I set overlay's colorbar to 10, an error occured.

I thought it maybe caused by the different version of Matlab. What is the version of your Matlab? 

And please report the errors in the main Matlab command window.

Does the error looks like "TrueColor CData contains element out of range 0.0 <= value <= 1.0"?

If so, it must be caused by the new Matlab version (I could repeat the error under Matlab 2008a).

I didn't get the overlay, so I could not repeat your confusion. However Matlab 2006b is recommended since REST is coded in this version.

My Matlab's version is R2008a. The report of the error is:

Exception occured. (MATLAB:hg:udd_interface:goSetUDDPointerProp:CannotSetProperty)
 Error using ==> set
Error using ==> set
TrueColor CData contains element out of range 0.0 <= value <= 1.0
 2976#line, DrawColorbar, in "D:\tool\research\REST2007V1.2_090101\rest_sliceviewer.m"
 2906#line, DefineColorMap, in "D:\tool\research\REST2007V1.2_090101\rest_sliceviewer.m"
 2697#line, Overlay_Misc, in "D:\tool\research\REST2007V1.2_090101\rest_sliceviewer.m"
 433#line, rest_sliceviewer, in "D:\tool\research\REST2007V1.2_090101\rest_sliceviewer.m"

I will send my overlay to your e-mail (, so you can try. thanks.


Notes (Matlab 2008a)

In previous releases, imresize used a somewhat different algorithm by default. If you need the same results produced by the previous implementation, call the function imresize_old. 

The solution to your question temporarily is to replace imresize with imresize_old in rest_sliceViewer.m

Thanks for your report and your overlay.

Chaogan could revise the new version to make REST more compatible.

And welcome all the problems report when you use REST.

So it would always not be a good idea to run a program not tested on a specific platform since it is too time-consuming to resolve a bug and finally found that this is caused by the platform which we can't say goodbye.