rest slicer viewer 报错

??? Attempted to access theOverlay(1,217); index out of bounds because size(theOverlay)=[181,216].

Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer>AddOverlay at 2965

Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer>SetView_Orthogonal at 1445
theSagittalImg =AddOverlay('Sagittal' ,AConfig, theSagittalImg,theMagnifyCoefficient);

Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer>SetImage at 1361
Result =SetView_Orthogonal(AConfig);

Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer at 452

Error in ==> rest_sliceviewer at 471
rest_sliceviewer('ChangeOverlay', AFigHandle);

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback

图像是5*5*5的, dim = 37 44 37
图像是经过rest ttest2生成的T-image,它可以被xjview打开。

Binary Data T_10.img470.59 KB
Binary Data T_10.hdr348 bytes

There is a bug in the current version of REST Slice Viewer in processing images with unusual dimension. We will fix it in the next release. Sorry for the inconvenience.