Tue, 05/14/2013 - 22:40mythpsy各位老师你们好 我最近用到rest_Write4DNIfTI里面 Head.fname - the filename of the image. If the filename is not set, % just use the...7363 reads
Sun, 05/12/2013 - 13:18rest_yan547833397各位老师: 您们好,我最近在做ICA分析,遇到2个问题需向老师们请教。 1)gift软件下的ICASSO工具箱有两个选项maximun/minimum cluster size to get stabe run, 请问是什么意思?如何填写比较合适。icasso所用原理和mica得到稳定成分的原理一样吗? 2)如何计算高频信号》0....4881 reads
Sun, 05/12/2013 - 13:18rest_yan547833397老师: 您好,我最近在做ICA分析,遇到2个问题需向老师请教。 1)gift软件下的ICASSO工具箱有两个选项maximun/minimum cluster size to get stabe run, 请问是什么意思?如何填写比较合适。icasso所用原理和mica得到问题成分的原理一样吗? 2)如何计算高频信号》0....3402 reads
Thu, 05/09/2013 - 16:43Remote Hill张寒老师, 您好,我现在用GIFT软件做ICA功能分区,把我的目标mask load进去后按照MDL算出了最适component进行了ICA运算,出来的ICs有很多都是重叠的,就是说我mask内的voxel对多个IC都有贡献,那么该能用什么软件将这些overlap的voxel进行分类使它们归于一个最相关的IC。还有关于您做的那个听觉分区的图,请教一下用什么软件可以进行颜色标记。rest里的Image calculate做的是nii格式的图,...5127 reads
Wed, 05/08/2013 - 21:07yth0306老师,您好在GCA运算时通过AAL定义ROI,报错,麻烦指教,谢谢。 Error using ==> rest_misc>ViewROI at 310 Wrong ROI definition, Please check: C:\Users\yth0306\Desktop\r.nii.img Error in ==> rest_misc at 196 ViewROI(AROIDef); Error in ==> rest_SetROI at 166 rest_misc( '...6205 reads
Tue, 05/07/2013 - 18:45rakeshDear REST experts, i have processed the rest fMRI images with REST tool, REHO maps after the REST analyses is distorted , i am attaching the distorted image (left side image in the attachment) as well as the preprocessed image (right side image in the...3760 reads
Tue, 05/07/2013 - 11:07YAN Chao-Gan大家好! DPARSF V2.2 Advanced Edition中文教程(静息态功能磁共振数据处理视频教程 第三部分)已发布。欢迎参阅:http://www.restfmri.net/forum/Course 祝研究顺利! 超赣3927 reads
Fri, 05/03/2013 - 11:34gopsahuHello if i want to know the reho value for a particular location from the rehomap, how can i do it. Thanks3759 reads
Fri, 05/03/2013 - 07:03codyHello some structural scans failed segmentation and normalization after coregistering to RS fMRI scans that had been tilted forward (30 degrees on the x axis to avoid inferior-frontal dropout). We used the unified segmentation method. It...6678 reads
Fri, 05/03/2013 - 00:06confirm老师,您好! 最近搜集了10个被试的静息态数据,按照操作方法使用Basic DPARSF处理数据得到ALFF和fALFF数据,然后用rest viewer查看这组数据并做单样本t检验(alpha sim矫正p0.01),发现有两个问题,谢谢老师予以指导。 1)ALFF的图像(后附图),显示结果有点怪怪的,图中可见一大片的激活改变,而且正激活许多分布在脑池里请教老师为什么出现这个结果?是数据采集的问题还是其他原因造成的?这组数据还能用么? 2)fALFF的图像(后附图)显示正激活全脑分布, ...22220 reads