• Thu, 05/02/2013 - 18:55gopsahu
    please help me out, how can i solve this error ??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in ==> DPARSFA_run>(parfor body) at 198             if strcmpi(DirDCM(3).name,'.DS_Store')  %110908...
    4471 reads
  • Sun, 04/28/2013 - 14:44kvoigt
     Hi, is it possible to create a template of only one of the brodmann area using rest-viewer and the brodmann atlas provided by rest? I tried it already, but when i select "save current cluster" it always ends up with saving areas. thanks very...
    4789 reads
  • Fri, 04/26/2013 - 21:41wisepig119
    5564 reads
  • Fri, 04/26/2013 - 21:12chunhuichen
    各位老师们好! 最近处理的一批数据,其中有些被试是头部上下颠倒的,于是用fsl翻转过来并在fslview里看着正常后,后用DEPARSFA处理。结果是,那些头部曾经颠倒了的被试result都为空,而其他没有颠倒的被试都挺正常的,看PicturesForChkNormalization也是那些颠倒的被试normalize没配齐。 我的处理步骤是,slice timing, realign, coregister, Newsegment+DARTEL, Nuisance covaraite regression (...
    4957 reads
  • Fri, 04/26/2013 - 20:13pelikanparker
     Dear all, I'm just about to start analyzing my data with DPARSF for the first time. As I've understood it, it's important to sort the subjects into folders with a specific format (subj001, subj002, etc.). I have repeated measures of my subjects. Do I...
    5118 reads
  • Fri, 04/26/2013 - 11:29yangshuo
    严老师您好,我做了30个正常儿童中心度,在rest计算DC的界面有两个输出结果分别是output directory for weighted sum和output directory for binarize sum(如下图),请问我要用这两个输出文件分别是什么意思,我要下一步进行统计计算用哪个文件夹。 下面是我分别用binarize和weighted进行单样本T检验的结果,感觉稍微有些不一样,请严老师指导,谢谢。
    7291 reads
  • Thu, 04/25/2013 - 16:29gopsahu
    Hello I used Dparsf for resting state fmri images, everything was done according to the manaul, but i receive this error again and again, how can i solve it ??? Error using ==> parallel_function at 598 Error in ==> DPARSFA_run>(parfor body) at 198...
    4914 reads
  • Wed, 04/24/2013 - 23:00duxue
     尊敬的各位老师:        您好!就是想请问一下当用Wfupickatias软件里面选择AAL模板保存一个mask后,想用rest里面的提取信号值提灰质体积,但好像mask精度不匹配,就报了下面的错请问这个怎么解决啊?需要怎么重采样啊?谢谢各位了~~
    11570 reads
  • Wed, 04/24/2013 - 22:44gopsahu
    hi after performing reho analysis, can the rehomap image be used for viewing in xjview. xjview is used for viewing t-maps (thresholded t-maps) of spm
    4272 reads
  • Wed, 04/24/2013 - 22:17gopsahu
    I want to make mask of activated regions or of unactivated regions from the rehomap. how can i further proceed
    4329 reads