• Tue, 02/19/2013 - 23:28huangyan
    3693 reads
  • Mon, 02/18/2013 - 19:19ayo
    老師: 我在跑gca時跳出下列視窗  Error using=>rest_gca_coefficient at 63 REST doesn’t support the selected ROI definition now, matlab中出現以下訊息: Error using ==> rest_gca_coefficient at 63 REST doesn't support the selected ROI definition now, Please check: D...
    6004 reads
  • Sat, 02/16/2013 - 00:33aguinea
    Hi, I want to make an Alff/fAlff analysis using the last version of DPARSFA with images previously pre-processed (realigned, coregistered, normalized and smoothed), but not using this software. Moreover, I want to covariate the analysis with some physiologic...
    5714 reads
  • Fri, 02/15/2013 - 23:18oguipponi
    Hi, I'm currently analysing Percentage of Signal Change within ROIs defined in MarsBar toolbox and I'd like to explore the functionnal connectivity between those ROIs thanks to REST toolbox. Unfortunalety the ROIs defined in MarsBar are not correctly...
    7015 reads
  • Fri, 02/15/2013 - 19:18orsolini
    Hi!  firstly I would like to thank you for these great tools. my issue: Using DPARSF "Coreg T1 to Func" is computed without errors but then the result is not saved in T1ImgCoreg. Only the result of "crop T1" is saved correctly. I...
    6196 reads
  • Fri, 02/15/2013 - 00:01eligva
     Hello! I’m starting to use the DPARSF toolbox to preprocess my rs-fMRI data and I have a few questions regarding the preprocessing steps implemented in the toolbox. I use the advanced version because I want to do only the following steps: 1)...
    9861 reads
  • Mon, 02/04/2013 - 13:30wuqinjuan1
    8488 reads
  • Fri, 02/01/2013 - 13:09junperson
    尊敬的老师,您好! 我想请教您的是任务态的数据(如blocked design, event-related design)可否拿出来做功能连接? 比方说:用任务激活的区域作为种子点对全脑进行功能连接计算。 如果可以需要注意哪些问题(与静息态功能连接不同的地方)? 比方说:1.对信号频段的提取(filter)还是0.01~0.08Hz吗?  2.任务态的每个run如果只有5分钟,是不是太短了?  3.如果每个run太短的话,是否可以直接讲几个run的数据放在一个文件夹里进行计算(...
    8236 reads
  • Fri, 02/01/2013 - 10:15yubing
    最近用REST的 提取ROI time course 的方法,做了一些functional connectivity 的文章,结果很好。 不知道REST有没有基于皮质厚度构建神经网络的解决方案?如果有,还望多指教,多谢!
    3892 reads
  • Thu, 01/31/2013 - 19:15hawkmu
      matalb 2010, rest 1.8, dparsf2.2. 出现下面的错误,请问是怎么回事? 在去全脑信号的时候的 ??? Error using ==> y_ExtractROISignal at 188 Wrong ROI definition, please check: H:\wjc_converted\Masks\c06_CsfMask_07_91x109x91.nii   Error in ==> DPARSFA_run>makeF%24/F...
    8195 reads