• Thu, 10/04/2012 - 04:06bharton
    Hi all, I am adding motion (3 translational and 3 rotational) as well as CSF and white matter signals as covariates in my functional connectivity analyses. Before I run functional connectivity, I have been regressing out these covariates from my data files...
    5804 reads
  • Wed, 10/03/2012 - 12:54kissjoy
    老師您好,目前我於研究上正使用REST 1.3這套軟體 有看過網站上的操作手冊及教學影片,但是對於Power spectrum的相關分析方式還是不太了解。 1. 影片內容中一開始點選REST Power spectrum 後選取的影像該選哪一組影像呢? 是SPM做完前處理的影像,還是要用之後REST_detrend的影像? 因為發現不同的影像下去計算好像出來的結果會不一樣。 2. 計算出的Power spectrum圖表還有其他相關資訊嗎? 因為好像只有移動不同的Voxel點會出現不同的Power...
    7204 reads
  • Sun, 09/30/2012 - 22:19xyuan
    学习vbm分析,使用了dparsfa的新分割与dartel的模板处理,非常方便,但是我想知道软件内部具体的操作流程与参数如何设置的?最后出来的结果应该是平滑过了,平滑核是多少?直接统计好像都是散点,我自己又平滑(8)一次;我自己又按vbm tutorial(john ashburner写的)的流程与参数跑了一遍,感觉出来结果不同,所以想知道贵软件vbm的流程参数设置如何,与vbm tutorial文中区别在哪里?还有贵软件做vbm过程中,dicom格式转换有问题,co前缀有时候缺失,软件就卡住了;...
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  • Sun, 09/30/2012 - 07:21Jacky
    Each time we run the dparsf, the PS file for visualizing movement is overwriten. Is there anyway to just append the new subjects the next time we run DPARSF? e.g. I run 30 subjects and generate a PS file for these 30 subjects, and if I add another subject and...
    5306 reads
  • Sat, 09/29/2012 - 14:51lwz110911
    我的数据做到了空间标准化,没做reho ALFF fALFF 能接着做么?
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  • Thu, 09/27/2012 - 20:10admin
    For server movement, restfmri.net service would be temporally shutdown, which will last about 4 hours in the morning of 2012-10-2, Beijing time.
    6305 reads
  • Wed, 09/26/2012 - 12:30taobao2010
    各位老师好: 我在贵实验室Wu, J.T., et al., Aging-related changes in the default mode network and its anti-correlated networks: A resting-state fMRI study. Neuroscience letters, 2011.的文章上看到采用小球法提出四个区域:PCC+、PCC-、vmPFC+、vmPFC-。将这四个区域取并集后构成的Mask,称之为默认网络及其负相关网络(default...
    9244 reads
  • Wed, 09/26/2012 - 09:29yangshuo
    严老师在http://www.restfmri.net/forum/node/764这个问题里提到FC的双样本T检验使用全脑mask,校正后再乘以两组1T的mask。根据这个我的作法是用全脑mask做双样本T检验,得到的T图用rest image caculate 乘以两组1T的mask,然后看结果用的全脑mask的校正,校前0.01,平滑核是6,alphasim校正用的是全脑mask的校正:clusters40,rmm5,p
    9900 reads
  • Tue, 09/25/2012 - 18:36wleewell
    望严老师帮忙分析下原因: 1、试用新版DPARSFA预处理数据时,发现以下报错,另外想把剔除协变量放在滤波前,输入FunImgARWS图像,同样出现类似的报错。 Generating voxel specific head motion for G:\analysis\RealignParameter\sub_001_NC\rp_a20111119_085529ep2dpacedyntmocosunyu3T-018-20s003a001_011.txt...??? Error using ==> class...
    6073 reads
  • Tue, 09/25/2012 - 01:57druzgal
    Hi, I have been testing some of the features on DPARSFA V2.2PRE. When running on data from either 1 or 2 subjects using the options from "Calculate in MNI Space: TRADITIONAL Order", everything processes smoothly with parallel workers set at 0. However, when I...
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