• Sat, 07/30/2011 - 22:50Xiao-Wei Song
    ]]> This message contains My NCBI what's new results from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). Do not reply directly to this message. Sender's message: Sent on Saturday, 2011 Jul 30...
    3264 reads
  • Sat, 07/30/2011 - 16:22liuyang
    各位, 我初学SPM,遇到了两个问题,还望指教 1、DICOM图像经过SPM分割后生成.img格式文件,但我将该数据利用matlab进行了一项处理(SPM没有的)。所以,这时我的数据是.mat格式的了。 通过在网上查到的save_nii.m文件,的确可以将.mat格式的文件转换成analyze格式。但是数据量却剧增。分割后的数据大约30M,而转换后的数据却达到了150M。 即便是我将.img格式文件读入到matlab,不经过任何处理,通过save_nii.m保存,...
    8640 reads
  • Sat, 07/30/2011 - 03:26xiaofei312
    Hi, I just started using REST toolkit. Since all my data are in .nii format, I need to convert them to ANALZE 7.5 before using the toolkit. After reading some of your code, it seems to me that the toolkit should be nifiti compatible (for example,...
    5261 reads
  • Sat, 07/30/2011 - 01:07南宫景天
    老师: 您好,我是一名初学者,对于刚刚运用rest软件有一些问题,还望赐教: 我运用rest的rest dicom sorter,将后缀名设为dcm,后续操作根据视频中所记载操作,结果在matlab中出现如下报错: ??? Reference to non-existent field 'ProtocolName'. Error in ==> rest_DicomSorter at 33 dirname=[outdir,filesep,dicominfotmp.PatientID,...
    9527 reads
  • Fri, 07/29/2011 - 10:27admin
    Ref: http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v8/n8/full/nmeth.1661.html?WT.ec_id=NMETH-201108 http://neurosynth.org From journal articles to computational models: a new automated tool Tom M. Mitchell1 Journal name: Nature Methods Volume: 8, Pages: 627...
    7588 reads
  • Wed, 07/27/2011 - 21:35Xiao-Wei Song
    ]]> This message contains My NCBI what's new results from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). Do not reply directly to this message. Sender's message: Sent on Wednesday, 2011 Jul 27...
    3151 reads
  • Tue, 07/26/2011 - 23:26287391600
    严老师: 你好! 在做双样本T检验时,1-1在课件里好像讲的意思是在spm表示单侧T检验,要是我又想看试验组高于对照组又低于对照组的双侧检验时,怎么处理呢?
    5588 reads
  • Tue, 07/26/2011 - 22:05Xiao-Wei Song
    ]]> This message contains My NCBI what's new results from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). Do not reply directly to this message. Sender's message: Sent on Tuesday, 2011 Jul 26...
    3260 reads
  • Sun, 07/24/2011 - 10:19luojia
    老师,你好!遇到一些问题,请帮忙! 我做的是治疗前后REHO的变化。对治疗前与治疗后的REHO用REST做了配对T检验,得到有差异的脑区共12个。我想做一下这些差异脑区与临床症状的关系:rest-slice viewer-save cluster。保存了12个ROI的MASK。然后用每个病人的REHO图分别与这12个MASK进行相乘(rest Image calculator做),共相乘了12次,每个ROI一次。每个ROI得到一组output.image.再把每个ROI的output....
    4960 reads
  • Sun, 07/24/2011 - 00:20Xiao-Wei Song
    ]]> This message contains My NCBI what's new results from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM). Do not reply directly to this message. Sender's message: Sent on Saturday, 2011 Jul 23...
    3246 reads