• Wed, 02/17/2016 - 21:27lionkiss
    There are so many regions and these regions appear to potentially align with networks. Data reduction strategies may aid in streamlining the many results reported here. 有个reviewer给我这条意见,一头雾水,这该咋整呢?
    8427 reads
  • Tue, 02/16/2016 - 16:53yubing
    各位老师:      我读到有一篇文献计算了“FCS(functional connectivity strength) : at a given voxel x0 was computed as the average of functional connectivity between x0 and all other voxels in the brain”     麻烦各位指教, FCS与 REST 软件包计算出来的 “Degree...
    5748 reads
  • Tue, 02/16/2016 - 16:52yubing
    各位老师:      我读到有一篇文献计算了“FCS(functional connectivity strength) : at a given voxel x0 was computed as the average of functional connectivity between x0 and all other voxels in the brain”     麻烦各位指教, FCS与 REST 软件包计算出来的 “Degree...
    6222 reads
  • Mon, 02/15/2016 - 19:41lionkiss
    The result was corrected using the Alphasim program,which setting at P<0.01 and cluster size >189 mm3, which corresponded to a corrected P<0.05. Liang X, Wen J, Ni L, Zhong J, Qi R, Zhang LJ, Lu GM. Altered pattern of spontaneous brain activity in...
    6343 reads
  • Mon, 02/15/2016 - 10:42Annie
    6170 reads
  • Wed, 02/03/2016 - 00:21lionkiss
    老师们好,我在投稿的过程中遇到些问题,想请教下。 1) reviewer说臧老师在2004年的ReHo的第一篇文章中,smooth是在计算ReHo之前做的,现在改到之后做,原因是什么? 2)我做了全脑的Voxel-wise的相关性后,选了ROI做了相关性,reviewer认为在没有先验假设ROI的情况下,做ROI-wise是错误的,会增加统计学错误。奇怪,我看别人的文章似乎都是这么做的。但是我改用ANOVA的voxel-wise的结果做了MASK,结果也比ROI-wise的结果更加符合我的假设。 3)...
    6621 reads
  • Tue, 01/26/2016 - 01:08lionkiss
    2832 reads
  • Mon, 01/18/2016 - 11:00zewang
    At the Center for Cognition and Brain Disorders (CCBD), Hangzhou Normal University, we are recruiting one junior faculty, one research assistant, and one or two postdocs in the field of functional neuroimaging. Requirements for faculty and postdocs are: PhD...
    4805 reads
  • Mon, 01/11/2016 - 23:37echoqiu77
    请教一下各位老师们 为什么我用Dprasf 预处理后图像在脑底部出现黑色条带(见附件),而用其他方法预处理则没有出现?是否可以通过修改dparsf的处理过程得到改善,这样的结果对后面的分析会产生怎样的影响? 非常感谢!
    6378 reads
  • Mon, 01/11/2016 - 05:12echoqiu77
    各位老师, 请教一下,在常用的dparsf软件中做normalize 是用的什么方法?  非常感谢! echo
    5772 reads