Wed, 11/05/2014 - 10:26lzhyoyo123请问三组被试通常先做ANOVA,如何在SPM里算post hoc two sample T test?11131 reads
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 08:33nertmanHi, I am trying to use DPARSFA to regress out CSF and white matter following spatial normalization (and slice timing, realignment) but I am getting this error message: Extracting ROI signals... Read 3D EPI functional images: "/space...6128 reads
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 04:27krisfarrantI am trying to run a voxel-wise seed based functional connectivity analysis in the REST toolbox. I am using the HCP (human connectome project) data which has 1200 volumes and a TR of .72. When I run the analysis I get the error: Exception occured...9556 reads
Wed, 11/05/2014 - 00:10leerainlizeDear,all I am new to resting-state functional connectivity and I have a question concerning the average of functional connectivity maps. Could I use the spm Imcalc to average the FC maps?If I want to average 10 different FC maps...6016 reads
Tue, 11/04/2014 - 22:36shencheng请各位老师指教。问题如下:在一篇比较长期音乐训练对大脑灰质密度产生影响的文章中,提到提取每个被试发生灰质密度改变的每个cluster提取一个EVs值(mean first eigenvariates),这个值使用SPM8提取的,然后用EVs值与两个音乐判断的行为指标做多元回归。 请问此处的EVs值是什么意思?有什么作用?用SPM8如何提取?14712 reads
Tue, 11/04/2014 - 21:53You.Jia各位老师好! 我想问一下,在用spm8做个体统Specify 1st-level计时,数据是不是要是任务态下的,而不是静息态的? 还有由于我们学校没有设备,所以数据都是网上下载的(ConnectomeDB),但是在设置New “Condition”时onset time不知道怎么办。是自己定义的,还是原始数据应该给出参数呢?看文献里的意思应该是刺激时的slice,是不是在参考手册中应该会给出详细任务介绍呢? 还有做统计分析究竟要得出什么样的结论呢?是要检测出任务态下的激活区吗?...13344 reads
Fri, 10/31/2014 - 10:39dtlchen各位老师: 大家好!我最近对小世界网络做了一些实验。想请教各位老师一些问题,我参考的文章是 Xu P, Huang R, Wang J, et al. Different topological organization of human brain functional networks with eyes open versus eyes closed[J]. NeuroImage, 2014, 90: 246-255. 这篇文章,按照这篇文章的思路,做了同样的实验,...10615 reads
Fri, 10/31/2014 - 01:17lipingchxyy各位老师:在用DPARSF处理数据时,出现下面的错误,不知是什么原因,期待各位老师的解答!祝好! The following modules did not run: Failed: Slice Timing ??? Error using ==> cfg_util>local_runcj at 1426 Job execution failed. The full log of this run can be found in MATLAB command window,...6714 reads
Thu, 10/30/2014 - 15:44YHC各位同學老師好, 有一個問題想要請教大家,我利用DPARSF etract ROI TC時會產生一個ROITC的new folder看網路上可以將其中的ROICorrelation_FisherZ.mat (node數xnode數),可以作為放進NBS裡分析的data。我想要做一個AAL90一樣的fc matrix,但是extract ROI TC時得到的是90x(200x1)[AAL90x時間點]的mat檔,而不會得到FisherZ.mat,...4036 reads
Wed, 10/29/2014 - 14:32Jie123Dear Experts, I have finished preliminary analyses in DPARSF including Reho, fALFF and degree centrality. These three analyses seem to overlap in certain brain regions, but it need to be further refined. My questions are: 1) ...4036 reads