• Mon, 10/06/2014 - 20:222111101
    老师们好,我刚刚开始接触这个领域,所以所问问题比较浅显,你们的任何一句话对我来说都是醍醐灌顶。 我的DICOM数据属于MRIcroN的dcm2niigui 可以成功转换成NII文件,可是在DPARSF就总显示出错。 出错的内容如下: Chris Rorden's dcm2nii :: 1 April 2010 reading preferences file D:\DPARSF_V2.0_110505\dcm2nii\dcm2nii.ini reading preferences file DCM2NII....
    7802 reads
  • Mon, 10/06/2014 - 12:29杨先生
    问各位老师一个问题: 我想算静息态下DMN网络内的功能连接强度,那么是将各个种子点之间的相关系数求绝对值后,相加,然后再平均么?
    5474 reads
  • Mon, 10/06/2014 - 11:18cherrychingju
    Dear all,     As the title I made, can ReHo analysis be used in task-related fMRI study? Also, is the ReHo value equal to Kendall's W (KCC)? If we use a significant region to be a ROI and extract its value, then this value is a ReHo value or KCC...
    5258 reads
  • Sat, 10/04/2014 - 20:38ma.shalchy
    Dear all Hi How could I mask my image using Rest toolkit?(Is there a utility like SPM "Imcalc"?) What is the use of "Fun.connectivity" of the Rest toolbox? How could I do a Fisher's r to z transformation using Rest toolkit? Many...
    5691 reads
  • Sat, 10/04/2014 - 12:58sugizo1991
    3530 reads
  • Thu, 10/02/2014 - 23:55GLM
    Dear colleagues,  I have a question regarding a “new” resting state sequence which we are using in our lab.   It is multi-echo EPI (3 different TE). The question is how should I analyze these data? Should I keep separate the 3 image...
    4261 reads
  • Wed, 10/01/2014 - 22:21lhldrs
    4215 reads
  • Wed, 10/01/2014 - 21:29ma.shalchy
    Dear all Hi Thank you so much for your time. Where could I find the list of rest toolkit  most used commands (in matlab i.e rest_readfile)? And also could some one please tell me the difference between DPARSF and rest toolkit? Many thanks in advance....
    3321 reads
  • Wed, 10/01/2014 - 16:21JiangYC
      老师您好!我用REST的Extract ROI Signals功能提取出一个ROI的一串时间序列BOLD signal的“值”,我想问一下,这个每个时间点的“值”表示的是什么?是不是每个时间点的BOLD信号减去整个时间序列的BOLD信号平均值,再除以平均值,进而得到的BOLD percent signal change呢?
    8427 reads
  • Mon, 09/29/2014 - 21:43katherineee
    各位老师,晚上好。 我在用DPARSFA作数据预处理的时候报错如下,然后换了DPARSF还是一样的报错。但是单独用SPM8做头动校正又可以,实在不知道是哪里出了问题。 希望老师们不吝赐教,谢谢! 然后这是我的设定 还有一点,不是太清楚Reorient Fun* Reorient T1* t1 Coreg to fun 这几个的不同在哪里? 谢谢!
    6131 reads