Thu, 05/01/2014 - 20:23yubing报错内容 Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision. > In DynamicBC_fls_FC>wgr_fls at 92 In DynamicBC_fls_FC>(parfor body) at 21 In parallel_function at 475 In DynamicBC_fls_FC at 17 In DynamicBC_run at 267 In...3827 reads
Thu, 05/01/2014 - 14:59yubing设置情况如下 win2008, Matlab 2011b 出错文件如下 Error using DynamicBC_sliding_window_FC>wgr_correl_FCD (line 220) Error: The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment. Error in DynamicBC_sliding_window_FC (line 41) ...9099 reads
Thu, 05/01/2014 - 14:33yubing出错内容如下 win2008,Matlab2011b ,DPARSF V2.2_121225,Rest 1.8 任务设置文件见附件 多谢指教! Error using y_ExtractROISignal (line 188) Wrong ROI definition, please check: D:\FTP\Process_new\Masks\20121121002_BrainMask_05_91x109x91.nii Error in DPARSFA_run>(parfor body) (line...3886 reads
Wed, 04/30/2014 - 12:33Zaixu大家好, 2014年多模态神经影像与脑连接组学专题培训班将在5月23日-5月25日举办,培训内容以及报名方式等请访问实验室网站 http://ido.jdcom.cn/cn/tza/2014/0426/26.html 欢迎各位的到来,提前祝大家五一快乐! 祝好3354 reads
Wed, 04/30/2014 - 10:39christang0113各位老师好! 我在用rest对一组mALFF做单样本t检验得到mALFF Tmap, 然后用slive viewer进行查看 得到的图像里面有负值,采用的FDR双尾矫正,Q值为0.001,单样本T检验出现负值 查看显著脑区不是应该只有正值吗 怎么会出现负值呢12461 reads
Tue, 04/29/2014 - 15:14Mina在SPM8可以成功進行到GROUP ICA 20個成分的結果 使用DPARSF過濾CSF得到的NIFTI檔 在跑GIFT的時候 14個人無法同時進行GIFT分析 會分成特定10個一起可以跑 另4個一起跑也可以 但都只能跑10個成分的結果 讓14個合併就不行 不確定是甚麼原因 錯誤訊息為 Error using load Unable to read file 'D:\TEST_pca_r2-1.mat': no such file or directory. 而且Display幾乎沒有紅亮點 這樣是甚麼意思呢...5263 reads
Mon, 04/28/2014 - 21:05ayo我是在rest的網站上看到此tool 目前我有在使用rest, dparsfa, 想請問此軟體要使用的data 是處理過dparsfa的檔案or...其他之檔案格式 他主要是看其關聯性, 是嗎?? 有相關paper可供考嗎?? 謝謝7985 reads
Thu, 04/24/2014 - 04:30nertmanHi, I am trying to set up DPARSFA to begin preprocessing my data. But when I click "Run," an error message tells me: "Too many .nii.gz files in each subject's directory, should keep one 4D .nii.gz file." There is only one .nii...8888 reads
Tue, 04/22/2014 - 20:57ImKiDear all, I run DPARSFA starting with nifti files and so far it went more or less okay, but I get error messages for the new segment + DARTEL step: Error using cfg_util (line 835) Job execution failed. The full log of this run can be found in MATLAB command...8046 reads