Wed, 02/05/2014 - 22:16water没有注意哪篇文章提到估计样本量,而且很多已发表论文样本量都不大,十几例或者二十几例,当然也有很多的。请问,静息态功能磁共振研究是否需要估计样本量?9959 reads
Wed, 02/05/2014 - 20:13nj9015请问严老师:我准备用DPARSF处理猴的静息态数据,选择Normalization by using the T1 image unified segmentation。请问,如何在程序中选择猴的模版(即如何将人脑模版替换为猴的模版),谢谢。5420 reads
Wed, 02/05/2014 - 18:37wisepig119我们用双样本t检验做出了病人与对照的脑区差异,然后提取差异脑区的ALFF值与症状量表做相关,发现了一些脑区相关,然后我们用每个病人全脑的体素与症状量表做相关,得到了与症状有相关的脑区,然而这些脑区有很多与直接影像学双样本t检验得到的脑区不一样,这在解释上就迷惑了,是因为得到的ALFF双样本t检验的脑区不一定是跟症状相关?还是因为全脑体素跟量表的相关有太多是假阳性的相关?哪一种方法得到的脑区更有价值呢?差异的原因又在什么地方呢?还请老师们能指教。6210 reads
Wed, 02/05/2014 - 02:34newsoulDear Experts, I am using the DPARSF to do resting-state analysis, and I met some problems in the Coregisteration. I tried some times and found each time when DPARSF does the 'Coregister: Estimate' to the last subject in my group, there was an...4140 reads
Sat, 02/01/2014 - 00:52jsnellings2We're working with the processing demo data in DPARSF and have gotten through the detrending step, but encounter the following error right after: Error using rmdir No directories were removed In DPARSF we chose not to delete detrended files. Is there a way...4091 reads
Sat, 01/25/2014 - 00:45darmeshiHello, I have a quick question, just to confirm that I did some pre-processing correctly. I want to regress out other covariates in my resting state pre-processing with the DPARSFA toolbox. In part 1 of the instructional slide show, I believe a way to "...7266 reads
Fri, 01/24/2014 - 07:08waterDPARSF中regress out nuisance covariate默认是不选取的,那么在计算ReHo或者ALFF时是否需要勾选这个选项?还是只有在FC时才需要去除脑白质和脑脊液信号?9093 reads
Sun, 01/19/2014 - 20:55demI am looking for SPMmouse for my research !! Can someone send it to me please ? my email is zodikadem@yahoo.fr I am not able to find it on the internet by myself Thanks3551 reads
Sun, 01/19/2014 - 17:49yeshion官方安装的MICA_beta1.22_20120523版本,在Matlab2012a、2013b版本下命令窗口输入“mica”时提示如下错误,(WIN7 32bit 64bit系统都不行,把其他软件(SPM9、REST、DPARSFA等)都在set path里撤除了,只剩下MICA,还是同样错误, 小弟刚入门,不懂,请各位老师多多指教,不胜感激!9427 reads
Thu, 01/16/2014 - 10:33精进不休最近在做GCA,看到文献中都是用matlab编程,但是rest中也可以操作,请问这两种方法有什么区别吗? ...11375 reads