Thu, 12/19/2013 - 15:10zhoujun各位老师您好: 我突然想到ALFF是直接滤波之后提取的,没有经过regress这一步,或许我不知道这原理是什么,我想知道为什么不regress之后作ALFF? 谢谢4577 reads
Wed, 12/18/2013 - 12:47szjoanna7老师们好, 我已经运用ICA方法提取出病人组及正常组的DMN网络,现在我想比较之间的差别。取了10个aal脑区的ROI,用DPARSF做ROI-wised analysis, 计算出了10个ROI之间两两相关的FC,下一步想比较两组间10个ROI的FC强度之间差别。我想请问接下来如果要进行two sample t-test的话,应该如何进行?3751 reads
Mon, 12/16/2013 - 17:02PabloHi all, I have an artifact in my data that is very sharp in frequency, I think a notch filter would be ideal to remove it. Is there any notch filter implemented in rest? if not, Could anyone suggest an alternative approach? thanks Pablo3769 reads
Sun, 12/15/2013 - 12:44zhoujun各位老师您好: 我附了三张图片:这三张都是六个脑区的ALFF,依次向下的顺序是 mALFF、mfALFF、zfALFF ;四种曲线颜色代表不同条件,例如静息前后等等; (1)我用mALFF、mfALFF、zfALFF画出的折线图差别较大,我不太清楚为何原因,按理说,四种条件下,也就是纵向看的话,趋势应该是相同的,为何趋势不同;...10938 reads
Sat, 12/14/2013 - 02:08Chen0075Hi, Yan, how can I do the statistical analysis after I have obtained "szDegreeCentrality_PositiveBinarizedSumBrainMap". Within-group, do the FDR correction? Thanks!3703 reads
Fri, 12/13/2013 - 21:40psmkhWhy do I see this error message when clcking on the "Slice Viewer" on the REST opening page image_toolbox not valid > In rest_sliceviewer>InitControls at 1053 In rest_sliceviewer at 74 In rest_sliceviewer at 38...3956 reads
Fri, 12/13/2013 - 09:45lw17022请问,用rest1.8计算degree centrality的时候那个dafault mask 是全脑mask还是只有灰质啊?4653 reads
Thu, 12/12/2013 - 20:53rakeshHi REST experts, here i have performed mALFF analysis on a group subjects, these subjects received medication, that is expected cause sedation, my hypothesis is that the drug should bring its effect via thalamus, hence i used the thalamus mask. but the...4543 reads
Thu, 12/12/2013 - 10:46ZangYF杭州师范大学认知与脑疾病研究中心 学术报告 题目:Computational Functional Anatomy for Dementia 报告人:Anqi Qiu, Ph.D 时 间:2013年12月13日下午15:00 地 点:杭州师范大学附属医院7号楼5楼会议室 主持人:臧玉峰 Structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques have...5872 reads
Wed, 12/11/2013 - 17:05taofly请问老师rest作基于roi之间的gca,想看两两roi之间的效应连接,bivariate和multivariate coefficients之间的区别,谢谢老师!5823 reads