Thu, 09/19/2013 - 03:23Chen0075Hi, Yan, Can I use REST to obtain regional gray matter volume (e.g. PCC) with a binary mask. I mean real volume rather than mean "volume" in that area. If I need the codes;could you tell me what is the code in REST. Great thanks!10749 reads
Wed, 09/18/2013 - 21:13sabinkhadkaHi all, I am using DPSRSFA toolbox for my Resting state data. Also, I am planning to preprocess all my data and use compcorr using subject's own T1 structural images as well. Thing I am doing is Slice time correction, Realignement, Reorient fun,...5118 reads
Wed, 09/18/2013 - 00:50Mamtis13Dear experts, Can you please tell me if, in DPARSFA, CSF, WM and the 6 motion parameters are orthogonalised against each other before these covariates are regressed out during pre-processing? Thank you very much for your advice! Regards, Mamtis6993 reads
Sun, 09/15/2013 - 01:14mewersDear all, I have a problem loading into DPARSF A (v2.3) those subject folders that include already preprocessed 4D RS fMRI files. The folder structure is Rest FunImg Subj_001 detrend_4DVolume.nii Subj_002 ...2708 reads
Fri, 09/13/2013 - 23:37taolei329大家好,我的课题是老年性痴呆的功能磁共振研究,最近向导师汇报科研进度时,他问我能否把弥散张量的FA图与静息态图像进行融合,这样就可以对两者进行综合相关分析,我也查了一些文献,确实有一些研究者将两种图像进行了融合,于是我自己尝试了一下。 我用的磁共振是SIEMENS Trio 3.0T,文献上用的是GE或者飞利浦的磁共振,然后说将FA图进行空间标准化后,利用MRIcro软件将其与fMRI融合,我的理解是把FA序列得DICOM图像进行NORMALIZE后得到的文件叠加在MRIcro的fMRI图像上,...8187 reads
Fri, 09/13/2013 - 16:54swrhxy各位好: 我用REST VIEWER显示的图像好像一直颗粒感很强,比较粗糙,但是文献中就会平滑很多,好像是smooth过?请教各位如何解决这个问题?7761 reads
Fri, 09/13/2013 - 15:22shengk请问一下,当三组间进行完ANOVA的分析后,发现有差异,再进行三组间的两两间的比较。在这个过程中怎么进行多重比较校正呢?应该是先针对ANOVA的结果校正一次,然后在两两比较时再次进行?用REST软件里面的Alphasim可以完成吗?谢谢~!13959 reads
Fri, 09/13/2013 - 10:06shengk之前投了plos one 意见是大修。其中一个审稿人的意见是增加一个病例组,我目前已经有三个组了,如果再加一个组,就非常复杂,几乎等于全文重写。所以请各位高人帮忙看看怎么回答呀? Reviewer#1: It would have been ideal to have included another control group without Parkinsons disease but wilth mild depression paired by Hamilton s scale scores...8874 reads
Wed, 09/11/2013 - 08:58Authenty各位老师和Resters, 教师节刚过,首先补送一句教师节快乐! 我在用VBM分析80位正常人的T1结构数据,由于已经有大量研究作为理论基础,我希望有选择性地提取出那些参与疼痛表征和调控的主要脑区(S1,S2,PFC,ACC,Insula和Thalamus)的灰质和白质volume,因此需要做一个只包含这些脑区的mask,但是在制作这个mask时,我遇到一些困难: 问题1. 首先,我尝试在BA模板中找到与以上6个脑区对应的mask,但是,发现BA模板中很难界定thalamus和insular,于是,...6995 reads